100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 16 (Growing Rainbows)

Introduction Hi, I’m a married mother of 3 children J (6) Bo (4) & Bear (3) living in the South West of England. How long have you home educated for and what made you decide to do it? We deregistered J from Year 2 & Bo from Reception in October 2016 after deciding enough was enough. J is a super confident, funny, happy boy but all through year 1 he cried going into school and year 2 he started crying himself to sleep every night. My husband and I agreed that it was make or break and we didn’t want to get to a point with J that we couldn’t get that happy boy back again. We withdrew Bo at the same time as she has verbal dyspraxia and is under assessment for ASD. She also has an EHCP and I felt if school couldn’t meet J’s needs it didn’t have a hope in hell of meeting Bo’s. Briefly describe your home ed style. Do you have a ‘typical’ week and what does it include if so? We are semi structured. Bo especially needs the structure and the routine. Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays Bear is at nursery. In the mornings …


Hi, I’m a married mother of 3 children J (6) Bo (4) & Bear (3) living in the South West of England.

#100daysofhomeed, #LoveHomeEd, Growing Rainbows, 100 days of home ed, freedom to learn, Home Education, interview, Q and A, Living Life Our Way

How long have you home educated for and what made you decide to do it?

We deregistered J from Year 2 & Bo from Reception in October 2016 after deciding enough was enough. J is a super confident, funny, happy boy but all through year 1 he cried going into school and year 2 he started crying himself to sleep every night. My husband and I agreed that it was make or break and we didn’t want to get to a point with J that we couldn’t get that happy boy back again. We withdrew Bo at the same time as she has verbal dyspraxia and is under assessment for ASD. She also has an EHCP and I felt if school couldn’t meet J’s needs it didn’t have a hope in hell of meeting Bo’s.

Briefly describe your home ed style. Do you have a ‘typical’ week and what does it include if so?

We are semi structured. Bo especially needs the structure and the routine.

Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays Bear is at nursery. In the mornings they go on reading eggs for half an hour, they read to me then we do our project work – at the moment we are learning about Sharks (J’s choice) & Unicorns (Bo’ choice). Tuesday are our outing day and Friday’s there is usually a home ed group on or we meet up with friends. They also attend martial arts, horse riding and a drama, dancing and singing group.

What was your highlight of home ed last week?

J (who in school, hated writing) taking his note book to Tescos to write down all the sweets they sell so he can decide in advance what he would like next time we go.

What is your favourite thing about home edding your child/ren?

Feeling free.

Living Life Our Way, #100daysofhomeed, #LoveHomeEd, 100 days of home ed, freedom to learn, Home Education, interview, Growing Rainbows, Q and A

What do you find most difficult and why?

Trusting that I have made the right decision – although this is getting easier everyday!

What advice would you give to other home educators?

If in doubt – get outside with your children. (it always makes me feel better).

Check out their Facebook page Growing Rainbows.

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