100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 36 (One Word To Describe Home Ed)

I asked a selection of home educators to name one word to describe home ed. Interestingly, the word ‘freedom‘ came up alot of times! So I guess that would be the one word that really sums up home educating!!! In the interest of keeping it real, I of course included the two less positive words that were contributed; frustrating and exhausting. And let’s be honest, parenting in general really can be both of those of those things at times – regardless of home educating! We have all been there!  I loved the range of words people offered though – and, incase you didn’t already know, the Oxford dictionary definition of ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ is extraordinarily good/ wonderful. Nice choice!  So there you have it; home ed summed up in one word!  Thank you to @KatBroon Mumma HE Green and Happy Handley for taking part (as well as all the other home edders who contributed of course – huge thanks to everyone!) 

I asked a selection of home educators to name one word to describe home ed. Interestingly, the word ‘freedom‘ came up alot of times! So I guess that would be the one word that really sums up home educating!!!

#100daysofhomeed, #LoveHomeEd, 100 days of home ed, freedom to learn, Home Education

In the interest of keeping it real, I of course included the two less positive words that were contributed; frustrating and exhausting. And let’s be honest, parenting in general really can be both of those of those things at times – regardless of home educating! We have all been there! 

I loved the range of words people offered though – and, incase you didn’t already know, the Oxford dictionary definition of ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ is extraordinarily good/ wonderful. Nice choice! 

So there you have it; home ed summed up in one word! 

Thank you to @KatBroon Mumma HE Green and Happy Handley for taking part (as well as all the other home edders who contributed of course – huge thanks to everyone!) 

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