100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 51 (Sam)  

Introduction Hi, my name is Sam . I’ve got six children, spread over a quarter of a century. Currently, three older ones are married and left home. Three are home educated. They are 14, 10 and 4. How long have you been home educating and why did you decide to? We began by flexi schooling in 2005. We started home educating in 2008 ,and we had removed all our school aged children in 2009. Initially we started in 2005 flexi, as a temporary measure, because of bullying. We then started removing children from school to home educate full time because our children’s needs were not being met with school. The younger two have never been to school because we now believe that home education is the best education, for our children. Briefly describe your home ed style. Do you have a ‘typical’ week and what does it include if so? I think our style varies as much as our week. Each week is very different. I am somewhere between structured and child led. Depending on the child’s age and learning style. Each week we tend to have a couple of meet ups arranged. My children have aspergers, so they like …


Hi, my name is Sam . I’ve got six children, spread over a quarter of a century. Currently, three older ones are married and left home. Three are home educated. They are 14, 10 and 4.

100 Days of Home Ed, freedom to learn, #LoveHomeEd, home education

How long have you been home educating and why did you decide to?

We began by flexi schooling in 2005. We started home educating in 2008 ,and we had removed all our school aged children in 2009. Initially we started in 2005 flexi, as a temporary measure, because of bullying. We then started removing children from school to home educate full time because our children’s needs were not being met with school. The younger two have never been to school because we now believe that home education is the best education, for our children.

Briefly describe your home ed style. Do you have a ‘typical’ week and what does it include if so?

I think our style varies as much as our week. Each week is very different. I am somewhere between structured and child led. Depending on the child’s age and learning style.

Each week we tend to have a couple of meet ups arranged. My children have aspergers, so they like to know what they are doing each day. I usually write up the days tasks on the whiteboard because they like that.

100 Days of Home Ed, freedom to learn, #LoveHomeEd, home education, interview, Q and A

What was your highlight of home ed last week?
Hmm we have a few highlights.

My non artistic son took a clay sculpture class and couldn’t wait to show us his work.

We finished reading a Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Parks. That book created a lot of good conversations.

This week, my four year old wrote my name.

We went to An Owl and Reptile sanctuary and that was fun.

100 Days of Home Ed, freedom to learn, #LoveHomeEd, home education, interview, Q and A

What is your favourite thing about home edding your children?
Being flexible to meet their needs. Getting to be with them and them getting to be with their siblings.

What do you find most difficult and why?

Having to be flexible, being with them all the time (see, it’s a plus and a minus!)

What advice would you give to other home educators?

Relax and enjoy your children.

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