11 Essentials For A Natural First Aid Kit

When most people make the decision to live a healthier more natural life, they focus on their diets alone. However, if you truly want to live a more natural life you should include natural products for all your needs. In this article, we will take a look at a few simple things you need to build up a natural first aid kit. Consumer Advisors has more information related to all the natural health tips you need… Witch Hazel Witch hazel has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It is effective for reducing inflammation while also cutting through any oil that is present on your skin. Although witch hazel is most commonly used to treat acne, it is also effective for disinfecting wounds. Additionally, applying witch hazel to your cuts and scrapes will help them heal faster. Coconut Oil Most people use coconut oil for cooking, but did you know that it is an excellent addition to your natural first aid kit. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties while also being antiviral and antifungal. You can use coconut oil to address nail fungus, or to help you fade your scars. Arnica This oil has been used for its medicinal benefits from …

11 Essentials For A Natural First Aid Kit

When most people make the decision to live a healthier more natural life, they focus on their diets alone. However, if you truly want to live a more natural life you should include natural products for all your needs. In this article, we will take a look at a few simple things you need to build up a natural first aid kit. Consumer Advisors has more information related to all the natural health tips you need…

11 Essentials For A Natural First Aid Kit

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It is effective for reducing inflammation while also cutting through any oil that is present on your skin. Although witch hazel is most commonly used to treat acne, it is also effective for disinfecting wounds. Additionally, applying witch hazel to your cuts and scrapes will help them heal faster.

Coconut Oil

Most people use coconut oil for cooking, but did you know that it is an excellent addition to your natural first aid kit. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties while also being antiviral and antifungal. You can use coconut oil to address nail fungus, or to help you fade your scars.

Coconut oil


This oil has been used for its medicinal benefits from the medieval times. It is a natural anti-inflammatory. This means that it is effective for relieving the pain from sprains or muscle pain. Just remember that arnica oil is most effective when applied topically to the skin.

Aloe Vera

The gel from the insides of the spiky succulent known as aloe vera is nature’s most effective remedy for burns. It’s very easy to cut an aloe vera leaf, if you have some nearby, when you need it and use the gel to soothe painful cuts, burns, and scrapes. However, buying a bottle of aloe vera gel from your nearest pharmacy also works!

Aloe vera

Calendula Extract

This natural remedy is especially effective for helping your body regenerate damaged tissue. Not only does calendula extract help your body to heal itself but it will also help to soothe and relieve injured skin. Use calendula extract on cuts and scrapes, to relieve minor burns or rashes that have become inflamed.

Ice Packs and Hot Water Bottles

Keeping a few ice packs in your freezer is a brilliant idea. Ice packs and hot water bottles are great for relieving pain and inflammation. Additionally, they are reusable and will help to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills.


Everyone should include a bottle of raw honey in their natural first aid kit. Honey helps to improve digestion, relieves nausea and can soothe a sore throat. Additionally, honey is nature’s antibiotic so if you feel a cold coming on one of the best things you can do for your immune system is to drink a glass of lemon water with a spoon of raw honey, such as the raw honey products from Gold Bee Nutrition.



The active ingredient in turmeric is called Curcumin. This is a wonderful chemical compound that soothes inflammation, heals wounds and helps you recover from coughs and colds. If you notice any cuts or scrapes on your skin you can apply a paste of honey and turmeric to boost your skin’s ability to heal it.

Marshmallow Root

This root has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Additionally, many modern supplements and medications contain marshmallow root as one of the active ingredients. There is good reason for this. Marshmallow root can be used to treat mouth ulcers, heartburn, coughs or indigestion.


Oatmeal is far more than just a tasty breakfast food. Oatmeal can provide you with significant relief for skin irritation. Additionally, oatmeal can provide you with relief from anxiety, stress and insomnia. Try adding a cup of oatmeal to your bath water at night for a relaxing restorative bath.


Ginger is one of the most effective remedies for combating nausea. Nausea can be crippling and if you feel sick, you need a remedy that works quickly. Drinking a mug of hot water that has had ginger steeping in it will help you to get rid of your nausea quickly.


Mint is a great natural remedy that provides you with a variety of benefits. Drinking a glass of peppermint water will help to relieve nausea, indigestion, gas and constipation.

Peppermint leaves

*This is a collaborative post.

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