30 Days Wild – Day 1: Nature In Our Garden

Today marks the start of the #30DaysWild challenge, which continues throughout June. For those who don’t already know, this is organised by The Wildlife Trusts; the purpose is to bring people closer to nature and to connect with the natural environment. Day one: ‘Nature Growing Wild In Our Garden’. Firstly, Squiggle and I discussed what the challenge is and came up with ideas for future activities. We decided that for today we would go out into the garden to look at the plants and flowers growing naturally, then take some photos to share. Squiggle’s collage of photos she took herself today. Squiggle decided she wanted to share her photos with everyone and chose to present them as both a collage and a video clip. https://youtu.be/hOOnjowuS5c Squiggle created this video clip herself using the nature photos she took today in our garden. She was very keen to have varied and colourful backgrounds for each photo, which makes her video clip somewhat interesting and unique. I feel this matches her personality very well- and I love the fact that her finished work is a true reflection of herself! “All our lives are better if they are abit wild.” ~ The Wildlife Trusts

Today marks the start of the #30DaysWild challenge, which continues throughout June. For those who don’t already know, this is organised by The Wildlife Trusts; the purpose is to bring people closer to nature and to connect with the natural environment.


Day one: ‘Nature Growing Wild In Our Garden’.

Firstly, Squiggle and I discussed what the challenge is and came up with ideas for future activities. We decided that for today we would go out into the garden to look at the plants and flowers growing naturally, then take some photos to share.


Squiggle’s collage of photos she took herself today.

Squiggle decided she wanted to share her photos with everyone and chose to present them as both a collage and a video clip.


Squiggle created this video clip herself using the nature photos she took today in our garden. She was very keen to have varied and colourful backgrounds for each photo, which makes her video clip somewhat interesting and unique. I feel this matches her personality very well- and I love the fact that her finished work is a true reflection of herself!

“All our lives are better if they are abit wild.” ~ The Wildlife Trusts

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