4 Eco-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions

Make sure that you give yourself the best possible chance of achieving your New Year’s resolutions in 2018 and do your bit for the environment at the same time with some green, eco-friendly resolutions!

The end of another year is fast approaching, and we all know what that means – it’s time to make your New Year’s resolutions!

Of course, we all know that making the resolutions is the easy part. When it comes to keeping them and staying on course, many people find it too difficult and give up before really giving themselves a chance.

The trick to sticking to your resolutions is to choose something which is realistically attainable and that really matters to you; you need to be motivated to succeed! So go for something that is personal to you and pick something that you really want to achieve, as then it will provide that little extra boost of motivation to get you through if you start to waiver.

The usual resolutions like visiting the gym, eating healthily or giving up smoking are all great, as long as you are truly motivated and determined to stick to it. But for 2018, why not go for something a little different and work to incorporate a greater level of eco-friendliness into your life?

To provide some inspiration and get you thinking, here are four green New Year’s Resolutions perfect for starting 2018 in the right way…

Title 4 Eco-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions with faded background image of jogger outdoors

Greener Parties

Whether it’s a birthday, a New Year’s bash or a kid’s party, the vast majority of parties and special events are simply not sustainable. Just think about how much uneaten food gets wasted! Add to this the massive amounts of single-use paper (or worse, plastic!) cups and plates being thrown away, and it’s no surprise that many parties could do with an eco-friendly boost.

Commit to making any parties or special events you host in 2018 much greener affairs – buy fully recyclable wholesale party supplies to cut down on waste and make sure not to go overboard on the food itself. You could even go for a full-on green theme to really push the boat out!

Reduce Waste

In the UK, 1.9 million tonnes of food and drink is wasted – every year. While we, as individuals, have little sway over the habits of the food industry, we can do our bit to cut down on waste by being sure to only buy things we need or that we know will get eaten. Try and cut down on impulse buys (this resolution will also be beneficial for your bank balance!) and plan out any shopping trips before leaving the house.

Similarly, try to opt for organic produce, locally-grown or sourced food and items with recyclable, and less, packaging wherever possible. Just this one small lifestyle change will help you become healthier and benefit the environment and local industry at the same time!

Sticky note saying reduce reuse recycle pinned to wooden board

Head Outdoors

How often do you use the car to travel somewhere within easy walking distance? Reduce the impact of vehicle emissions and help yourself keep fit in 2018 by committing to using your personal car less, wherever possible.

Even if you can’t walk to your destination, have you considered using public transport? For work, it may also be worth finding out if any colleagues live in your area and wouldn’t mind setting up a car-sharing scheme.

Quality over Quantity

A key part of sustainable living is cutting down on what you buy, how much you buy, and the amount of waste that you generate. While it is probably food that first comes to mind, there are actually many other ways in which you can resolve to cut down on low-quality items and waste.

Just think – how many times have you picked up a few pieces of cheap or low-quality clothing while out shopping only for them to disintegrate within weeks or shrink in the wash? Instead of continually buying large quantities or poor-quality clothing, commit to choosing fewer pieces of high-quality clothing that will last throughout the year.

Are you ready for the New Year? What green, eco-friendly resolutions are you planning?

*Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

2 thoughts on “4 Eco-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. It was my niece’s 4th birthday party today, there was two big bin bags full of rubbish, some of which could have been recycled. One thing I did find good was the lady they had hired as the Princess from frozen, used toiletry bags as a replacement for wrapping paper in a game of pass the parcel.


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