5 Things You Need To Do After Moving Into a New Home

Are you moving into a new home? Check out these five things every homeowner should do upon moving into a new home to improve safety and comfort.

A young woman smiling and holding up a house key while sitting on a wood floor surrounded by moving boxes.

Congratulations on your new home! While moving is an exciting time, it can also feel a bit overwhelming with all the tasks that need to be done. To help you settle in smoothly, we’ve compiled an essential moving checklist to ensure you cover all bases after moving into your new abode. Keep reading to learn five things you need to do after moving into a new home.

Change Your Locks

Safety first! There are several instances that indicate it’s time to change your locks, and moving is one of them. One of the very first things you should do after moving into a new home is change the locks. You never know how many copies of the keys for the existing locks are out there, so it’s best to secure your home on day one. Consider upgrading to smart locks for added security and convenience.

Update Your Address

While moving into your new home, it’s important to make sure you are still receiving all of your mail. Be sure to update your address at the post office, your banks, credit card companies, and any subscription services you use. This ensures you don’t miss any important mail or deliveries.

Set Up Your Utilities

If you haven’t already arranged for your home’s utilities to be transferred to your name, now is the time. This includes electricity, gas, water, internet, and cable services. Having these services up and running will make your house feel like a home in no time.

Locate the Main Water Valve and Fuse Box

Knowing where the main water valve and fuse box are ahead of time can save you a lot of stress in an emergency. As you settle in, familiarize yourself with their location in your new home so you can quickly address water or electrical issues.

Deep Clean Before Unpacking

While the house might appear clean, giving it a thorough cleaning before unpacking your belongings will give you a fresh start. Pay special attention to the kitchen and bathrooms and consider hiring professional cleaners for a comprehensive cleaning throughout the house.

While the list of tasks you need to complete in a new home may seem daunting, tackling them one by one will help you set up your new life with ease. With these things you need to do after moving into a new home, you can stay on top of all the necessary tasks upon moving in.

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