A Lot Of Meaning In A Little Package: Creating A Memory Box For The Kids

You may go on various adventures with the family, and, if you got young kids, perhaps you want to crystallize this time, so they can look back and see what they were like as children and you can remember those fond memories. As such, a memory box is one of those little items that can provide a lot of meaning in a little package, so what can you do to create a memory box that provides a memento of a specific time. Gathering The Important Items You probably already have important items and little keepsakes that have been placed around the house, and you’ve been wondering what to do with them. There are plenty of things you can do with them, but this point, think about, not just the physical artefacts around the house, but what about those digital ones? You might have a lot of old pictures on various smartphones or stashed away on a hard drive. You may even have digital pictures that go back 20 years or so on an old computer! If so, it’s always worth looking to see if there are any treasure troves there. What can be frustrating is if the pictures are in …

A Lot Of Meaning In A Little Package: Creating A Memory Box For The Kids

You may go on various adventures with the family, and, if you got young kids, perhaps you want to crystallize this time, so they can look back and see what they were like as children and you can remember those fond memories. As such, a memory box is one of those little items that can provide a lot of meaning in a little package, so what can you do to create a memory box that provides a memento of a specific time.

A Lot Of Meaning In A Little Package: Creating A Memory Box For The Kids

Gathering The Important Items

You probably already have important items and little keepsakes that have been placed around the house, and you’ve been wondering what to do with them. There are plenty of things you can do with them, but this point, think about, not just the physical artefacts around the house, but what about those digital ones? You might have a lot of old pictures on various smartphones or stashed away on a hard drive. You may even have digital pictures that go back 20 years or so on an old computer! If so, it’s always worth looking to see if there are any treasure troves there. What can be frustrating is if the pictures are in a different format, and you have been upgrading your computer with the times. But there are ways around this, such as a RAR extractor for Mac, but think about every little thing. It’s not just about pictures, but little outfits, dried flowers, or anything that reminds you of a special time.

Finding The Right Box

Sometimes we have to trust our instincts and find the right box that is pretty and very decorative but it doesn’t have to be like this at all. Ultimately, the goal is to provide a time capsule of sorts. But also, you need something that’s long-lasting. You have to remember that these memory boxes are going to endure a bumpy ride, especially if you move house lots. And they may live at the back of cupboards, so think about something sizeable, but also durable.

Memory box

Keep Adding To The Box Over Time

A memory box isn’t just something you can load up once and then you are done, but this is something you can do over time. Once you get everything that you want, you can put them into the box. Don’t think that you need to label everything, but if you want to give this as a surprise sometime in the future, perhaps as an 18th birthday present, you might want to attach notes to certain items that might not be so self-explanatory. And once you’ve got them started, every time you come across an item that you want to save, put it in the box. It all depends on what you want to do with the box. If you want to give it to them when they turn 18, you’ll have plenty of time to load up a box full of memories, trinkets, and little remnants of the past that they can look upon with fondness.

*This is a collaborative post.

1 thought on “A Lot Of Meaning In A Little Package: Creating A Memory Box For The Kids”

  1. I’ve got memory boxes for all of my children that I add to all the time. Love the idea of giving it to them when they are 18. I must admit though I have got so many digital photos of them over the years that I need to sort through.


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