Are You In Your Dream Home?

This is a bit of a tough one to answer. Some people feel as though they’re in their dream home, but the area isn’t right, or the decor and layout just doesn’t feel right. Others feel they’re in their dream home, but there is just something better out there. It is so hard to settle on something when everyday there’s a new modern looking house on the market. Or a house that seems to be a better price in a better area than yours. So the answer to this question is no, you’re probably not in your dream home just yet. But you can find it! Here’s a few tips below… Knowing What You Want Knowing what you actually want is the first step in making sure you find your dream home. If you’re already in a home, you should know what you like and what you don’t like about it. It might be the fact you need another bedroom and bathroom. It might be the fact you want a garden that has more sun in the day, or even just a bigger garden. It could be the location that is putting you off your current home. But what you’re …

This is a bit of a tough one to answer. Some people feel as though they’re in their dream home, but the area isn’t right, or the decor and layout just doesn’t feel right. Others feel they’re in their dream home, but there is just something better out there. It is so hard to settle on something when everyday there’s a new modern looking house on the market. Or a house that seems to be a better price in a better area than yours. So the answer to this question is no, you’re probably not in your dream home just yet. But you can find it! Here’s a few tips below…

Are You In Your Dream Home?

Knowing What You Want

Knowing what you actually want is the first step in making sure you find your dream home. If you’re already in a home, you should know what you like and what you don’t like about it. It might be the fact you need another bedroom and bathroom. It might be the fact you want a garden that has more sun in the day, or even just a bigger garden. It could be the location that is putting you off your current home. But what you’re starting to understand is that there’s always something that you wish could be better. That is when you start to realise you are in fact not in your dream home.

Shopping Around

Then you need to think about actually shopping around for what you want. It is easy enough for people to say, ‘I wish this was different’, or ‘I’d rather live there’, but if you don’t actually go out and look for the property of your dreams, then you will never find it! All you have to do is go on the various property search engines and see what’s on the market. Selling to buy a different property and get a new mortgage generally isn’t too difficult either, assuming your circumstances haven’t changed and your budget is realistic.

You may also find that there are houses now on the market for cheaper than you bought at, depending on when you purchased your property and the economic climate at the time. Housing prices fluctuate all the time, so if you buy and sell at the right time you could see yourself making a lot of money.


This is the final stage into getting yourself into your dream home. You’ll most likely have gone through this before, so you’ll know the ins and outs of what is involved. The first thing you’ll need to sort is how to move your stuff from A to B. People such as the mybekins Movers will be able to sort the logistics side of things. All you’ll need to do is sort out what to keep and what to throw away. The last thing you want to be doing is clogging up your new home with junk you no longer need, so it’s the perfect time to declutter!

So after reading this you should be a bit more clued up on how to make sure you’re in your dream home. Owning a home is an expensive game, so you might as well make sure it is perfect for you!

*This is a contributed post.

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