#Blogtober 2016 – Day 10: One Thing You Can’t Live Without

Ok, my daughter! She is the first and only thing on this list in reality. But that goes without saying, so I will try to pick something less obvious. The planet? Definitely cannot live without that! Friends and family? To be honest, I think that one is a given too.  And I am assuming for the purpose of this question that essentials (food, water, clothes, shelter) are taken care of already. If not I would go for those. It reminds me of that show that was on recently, when the participants were stripped of literally all possessions including essentials (except shelter) and could choose one thing per day. What was it called? It was interesting viewing, quite thought provoking! But I don’t think that was the intention behind this topic. So I’ll keep thinking… Freedom. To live life our own way, to travel, and even to educate my own daughter and for her to have that freedom to learn in her own way. That is the one thing that I couldn’t live without. (That answer was cheating? Maybe! I really couldn’t think of one non essential material item though lol 😉 But if I HAD to pick, I think I …

Ok, my daughter! She is the first and only thing on this list in reality. But that goes without saying, so I will try to pick something less obvious. The planet? Definitely cannot live without that! Friends and family? To be honest, I think that one is a given too. 

Sopwell nunnery. Exploring nature and outdoors. Freedom to learn. Childhood unplugged.

And I am assuming for the purpose of this question that essentials (food, water, clothes, shelter) are taken care of already. If not I would go for those. It reminds me of that show that was on recently, when the participants were stripped of literally all possessions including essentials (except shelter) and could choose one thing per day. What was it called? It was interesting viewing, quite thought provoking! But I don’t think that was the intention behind this topic. So I’ll keep thinking…

Freedom. To live life our own way, to travel, and even to educate my own daughter and for her to have that freedom to learn in her own way. That is the one thing that I couldn’t live without.

(That answer was cheating? Maybe! I really couldn’t think of one non essential material item though lol 😉 But if I HAD to pick, I think I would definitely go for my phone!)



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