#Blogtober 2016 – Day 11: Your Favourite Type of Animal

I love animals, but I do have a few particular favourites that spring to mind. Growing up, dogs were my absolute firm favourite. I would spend many hours learning about different dog breeds, and I had a pet dog who I adored, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Cindy. I would love to have a dog now, but circumstances mean it isn’t really possible in the near future. One day maybe! We love spending time with my dad’s gorgeous Labradors though. Cats are another animal that I have a huge soft spot for. We have two cats, one of whom is desperately trying to stop me typing in order to stroke him right now! We also have two bunnies, so I will count them as a favourite too, I wouldn’t want them to feel left out! Last but not least, seals are another favourite. Watching them in their natural environment, seeing them give birth, watching inquisitive newborns interact with Squiggle and other humans… it is simply mind-blowing. Learning about the story of Ropeneck, a mother who was rescued when she got a rope caught tightly around her neck and has since returned to the same spot on the Lincolnshire coast …

I love animals, but I do have a few particular favourites that spring to mind. Growing up, dogs were my absolute firm favourite. I would spend many hours learning about different dog breeds, and I had a pet dog who I adored, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Cindy. I would love to have a dog now, but circumstances mean it isn’t really possible in the near future. One day maybe! We love spending time with my dad’s gorgeous Labradors though.

Pets, dogs, labrador, black labrador, golden labrador, furry family, furbabies

Cats are another animal that I have a huge soft spot for. We have two cats, one of whom is desperately trying to stop me typing in order to stroke him right now! We also have two bunnies, so I will count them as a favourite too, I wouldn’t want them to feel left out!

Furry family, furbabies, giant french lop, white rabbit

Last but not least, seals are another favourite. Watching them in their natural environment, seeing them give birth, watching inquisitive newborns interact with Squiggle and other humans… it is simply mind-blowing. Learning about the story of Ropeneck, a mother who was rescued when she got a rope caught tightly around her neck and has since returned to the same spot on the Lincolnshire coast to give birth every pupping season, inspired and motivated me to take more action to protect our ocean mammals. 

Rope entanglement, scarred, seals, pups, ocean mammals, empathy
This is Rope neck. She turned up on Donna Nook beach in Lincs, UK in 2006 with a rope around her neck slowly cutting into the flesh. She was caught and freed, but heavily scarred. Ropeneck now returns to the same spot at the same time every year to pup. (This particular photo was taken by myself in November 2014).

This also led me to discover the story of the Lonely Whale, which then guided me to various other organisations too, all of whom work hard to make positive and lasting changes for ocean health and the well-being of the living creatures who reside in it.

Amazing how one animal… one story… can have such a major impact on our lives!


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