#Blogtober 2016 – Day 21: What Am I Afraid Of

Argh… I’m behind on blogtober, other blog posts, Project Green Challenge and general life! so I am going to keep this one really short, and cheat a little… I think the thing I am most afraid of is the same for the vast majority of parents, especially carers of children with SEND, but no doubt most parents in general. Aside from that, my less deep and more silly fear was covered on a previous blog post so you can find the answer here!

Argh… I’m behind on blogtober, other blog posts, Project Green Challenge and general life! so I am going to keep this one really short, and cheat a little…

I think the thing I am most afraid of is the same for the vast majority of parents, especially carers of children with SEND, but no doubt most parents in general. Aside from that, my less deep and more silly fear was covered on a previous blog post so you can find the answer here!


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