#Blogtober 2016 – Day 29: Confession Time!

I don’t really know what to write for this! Whilst I don’t tend to blog about some personal matters (specifically re Squiggle’s health), that is simply because I feel it should be Squiggle’s choice to share, or not, so I respect her request for privacy. Personally, I tend to be honest and open, especially in real life. But Squiggle is her own person and feels more comfortable only sharing with people she knows well. She knows she can talk to us about absolutely anything and she does, plus she has great friends that understand and support her too, and that’s all that really matters! So I keep within her boundaries and stick to blogging about topics that don’t cross that. But anyway, I digress! So, three confessions, hmmm. They aren’t going to be very exciting I’m afraid… 1. I am currently rocking pink and blue hair. But that’s not a confession! The confession is that I snuck out after Squiggle went to bed last night, to a costume party, so I coloured my hair quickly for it before leaving. But it didn’t wash out as easily as I expected! So when Squiggle asked today why my hair is red and …

I don’t really know what to write for this! Whilst I don’t tend to blog about some personal matters (specifically re Squiggle’s health), that is simply because I feel it should be Squiggle’s choice to share, or not, so I respect her request for privacy. Personally, I tend to be honest and open, especially in real life. But Squiggle is her own person and feels more comfortable only sharing with people she knows well. She knows she can talk to us about absolutely anything and she does, plus she has great friends that understand and support her too, and that’s all that really matters! So I keep within her boundaries and stick to blogging about topics that don’t cross that.
But anyway, I digress! So, three confessions, hmmm. They aren’t going to be very exciting I’m afraid…

1. I am currently rocking pink and blue hair. But that’s not a confession! The confession is that I snuck out after Squiggle went to bed last night, to a costume party, so I coloured my hair quickly for it before leaving. But it didn’t wash out as easily as I expected! So when Squiggle asked today why my hair is red and blue, I couldn’t tell her the real reason, so I said it was a mummy challenge that I had to do for work! Oops! Sorry Squiggle!!!

Harley Quinn, halloween costume, red and blue hair, beauty, hair, halloween party, confessions, selfie, living life our way
My current look

2. I think I have already mentioned this recently, but I practically never eat chocolate. It’s very weird I know, I’m just not a fan! 
3. A few months ago, I watched a snapchat story of a concert that I could have been at; I had free tickets but passed them onto friends. But the confession is that I then full-on cried when I saw how many surprise guests were there and who. I’m 37 for goodness sake! Embarassing fan girling moment right there 😉 

They are my confessions. What are yours? 


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