#Blogtober 2016 – Day 4: A Secret About Me

Ooh, I almost feel we should all pull up a chair and make a circle. Today we are sharing our inner most secrets. Well ok, so maybe not quite our inner most secrets, but a secret, or something loosely related to one will do. So I’ll start… And actually, to be perfectly honest, this is quite easy for me. I have a very silly, embarrasing secret that I am (sort of!) happy to share publicly. It is a fear, and I am well aware of how ridiculous it is but I just cannot bring myself to take the plunge…  …I seriously SERIOUSLY cannot use escalators! If I even look at one I go dizzy and shaky, and feel like I will fall over. It really is that intense. I just cannot do it.  It makes getting around London via the underground rather challenging at times but the tfl accessibility maps are useful for this and, as a friend said recently, it is an eye-opener too; it demonstrates how much of a challenge it is for others who can’t use escalators for different reasons! 

Ooh, I almost feel we should all pull up a chair and make a circle. Today we are sharing our inner most secrets. Well ok, so maybe not quite our inner most secrets, but a secret, or something loosely related to one will do. So I’ll start…

And actually, to be perfectly honest, this is quite easy for me. I have a very silly, embarrasing secret that I am (sort of!) happy to share publicly. It is a fear, and I am well aware of how ridiculous it is but I just cannot bring myself to take the plunge… 

…I seriously SERIOUSLY cannot use escalators! If I even look at one I go dizzy and shaky, and feel like I will fall over. It really is that intense. I just cannot do it. 

It makes getting around London via the underground rather challenging at times but the tfl accessibility maps are useful for this and, as a friend said recently, it is an eye-opener too; it demonstrates how much of a challenge it is for others who can’t use escalators for different reasons! 

Underground map for London
TFL accessibility map


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