I struggled with this theme at first (again, why am I finding this challenge so hard?!) but then I realised I was actually just thinking about it the wrong way and that’s why I was drawing a blank!
I’m not really into getting gifts, weird I know! Don’t get me wrong, I have had some lovely gifts over the years, and I really appreciate them. My dad is very generous. My daughter chooses me wonderfully unique presents! I remember a lovely bracelet from my mum too, for my 16th or 18th (I forget which!) A funny home-made photo book from a close friend for my 21st birthday. These thoughtful things come to mind when I try to think back to what people have bought me.
But the first thing that really came to mind when I read the theme was finding out I was pregnant shortly after my 28th birthday. Or my 30th birthday, when I stayed home with my lovely little girl, playing all day, then went for a lovely family meal.

Or my birthday just gone, when I spent the day in glorious sunshine by the sea in Weymouth on holiday. No presents, one homemade card- from my little girl of course. Everything was stripped back; such a simple day. But it was one of those rare days when everything was just absolutely perfect all day long; when the universe works so completely in your favour and everything is just a dream. Relaxed. Happy. And so very blessed. What more could I ask for than that? So, that is my answer- that was my best present ever!