#Blogtober 2016 – Day 9: Favourite Movies You Never Get Sick Of Watching

I used to LOVE watching movies. Infact, I could probably watch most over and over again and still not be bored. I went through phases of particularly enjoying different genres or film directors (I loved Kevin Smith films for example), as I’m sure many people do at some time or another. However, my taste in movies has become more selective in my 30’s and I rarely watch the same film twice anymore. So I decided the best way to (not really!) answer this question is to do a movie quiz… 1. Last movie you watched at home? Shallow Hal (It just happened to be on and this is one of my rare can watch over again films!) 2. Movie(s) currently on your list to watch asap? Bad Moms, new Bridget Jones, Pitch Perfect 2 3. First movie that comes to mind when someone says “name any movie”!  Oh, erm, erm…  There’s Something About Mary! 4. Movie from your teens. Empire Records 5. Last movie you watched more than once? Pitch Perfect 6. Favourite childhood movie. Never Ending Story. I claimed to like Labyrinth but was secretly quite scared of it haha! 7. Last movie you watched at the cinema. Suicide Squad …

I used to LOVE watching movies. Infact, I could probably watch most over and over again and still not be bored. I went through phases of particularly enjoying different genres or film directors (I loved Kevin Smith films for example), as I’m sure many people do at some time or another. However, my taste in movies has become more selective in my 30’s and I rarely watch the same film twice anymore. So I decided the best way to (not really!) answer this question is to do a movie quiz…

Movie, film, reel, popcorn, clapboard, blogtober

1. Last movie you watched at home?

Shallow Hal (It just happened to be on and this is one of my rare can watch over again films!)

2. Movie(s) currently on your list to watch asap?

Bad Moms, new Bridget Jones, Pitch Perfect 2

3. First movie that comes to mind when someone says “name any movie”! 

Oh, erm, erm…  There’s Something About Mary!

4. Movie from your teens.

Empire Records

5. Last movie you watched more than once?

Pitch Perfect

6. Favourite childhood movie.

Never Ending Story. I claimed to like Labyrinth but was secretly quite scared of it haha!

7. Last movie you watched at the cinema.

Suicide Squad (indoors) 

10 Things I Hate About You (open air)

8. Preferred film genre.

Comedy/ RomCom

9. Most memorable movie and why?

I could name a really profound movie right now, and there are so many… but I am going to take a different angle and go with Lord Of The Rings because it’s the only premiere I have ever been to!

10. Movie that makes you cry.

So many… too many… most probably lol!

11. Fave seasonal movie.

Love Actually. Quick story… Every Christmas at primary school we used to watch The Snowman as our end of year ‘treat’ and so I now can’t stand it! 

12. Movie that makes you stop everything to watch.

I don’t stop to watch a movie long enough/ enough times to have an answer to this question haha!

If you want to take the movie quiz too I would love to read your answers! Tag me on twitter @followourpath  Instagram @living_life.our_way or facebook at @livinglifeourwayblog or leave me a comment… thank you!


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