Can You Give Up Plastic? (Just For One Day)

We can be heroes, just for one day… Tomorrow, Tuesday 5th June, is World Environment Day. You will hopefully have already seen the global game of tag in action to help raise awareness of plastic pollution and to highlight how easy it is to switch from single- use plastics to reusables. And now for the real challenge… Can you give up plastic completely, just for one day? Take on the challenge and see how well you can do! Use hashtags #PassOnPlastic and #OnePlasticFreeDay to share your efforts and achievements on social media, alongside #BeatPlasticPollution and #WorldEnvironmentDay too. Please also feel free to tag me if you wish – I would love to see how you get on! And last but not least, one final challenge… I have just set up a club on Litterati – simply search Living Life Our Way to join me. The idea is to document the rubbish we all collect – very simple – just take a snap, tag the pic, then bin/ recycle the item. But this free app makes it an exciting challenge – we can track the impact we are having and see who is highest on the scoreboard for some fun competition! …

We can be heroes, just for one day…

Tomorrow, Tuesday 5th June, is World Environment Day. You will hopefully have already seen the global game of tag in action to help raise awareness of plastic pollution and to highlight how easy it is to switch from single- use plastics to reusables. And now for the real challenge…

Can you give up plastic on World Environment Day? Just for one day. #OnePlasticFreeDay #PassOnPlastic

Can you give up plastic completely, just for one day?

Take on the challenge and see how well you can do!

Use hashtags #PassOnPlastic and #OnePlasticFreeDay to share your efforts and achievements on social media, alongside #BeatPlasticPollution and #WorldEnvironmentDay too. Please also feel free to tag me if you wish – I would love to see how you get on!

And last but not least, one final challenge…

I have just set up a club on Litterati – simply search Living Life Our Way to join me. The idea is to document the rubbish we all collect – very simple – just take a snap, tag the pic, then bin/ recycle the item.

But this free app makes it an exciting challenge – we can track the impact we are having and see who is highest on the scoreboard for some fun competition!

Download the app here:

Then remember to join my club! (Living Life Our Way).

Take action to #BeatPlasticPollution (and all other pollution!) in aid of World Environment Day. Let’s do this!

Check out Kate On Thin Ice‘s guide to going plastic-free!

1 thought on “Can You Give Up Plastic? (Just For One Day)”

  1. What a great idea! I find that sometimes it’s those hidden plastics – the ones that you don’t even think about – are the most damaging. Thankfully where I live plastic bags are already banned but I am currently thinking of replacing my plastic storages for food with glass ones. Have beeen hesitant mainly as I have toddler who still break things every now and then! Definitely think we can all do more to reduce plastic!


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