Preparing Healthy Nutritional Food With Aids To Help

We all know the benefits of eating fresh, healthily balanced foods and a lot of the fun, aside from eating them, comes in the preparation of the foods we all love. But what about if you find it difficult to prepare foods; the chopping, slicing and dicing of foods can be difficult for some of us, but there are many ‘Daily Living Aids’ that can help to get the job done, so we can prepare foods for a healthy balanced diet, without the stress. In this short article, we’ll look at some of the Daily Living Aids that can help make that food prep a little easier and get you more adventurous in preparing and cooking healthier meals in the kitchen… Daily Living Aids For The Kitchen Multi-Use Tin Opener When in the kitchen preparing foods, you’ll be fully familiar with how opening jars and cans can pose difficulties, especially when they have been screwed on so tightly by the manufacturer. If you live alone, it can be a pain to start to prepare a meal, to find that you can’t get the lid of a jar or bottle open, which can be very frustrating. Help is thankfully at hand …

We all know the benefits of eating fresh, healthily balanced foods and a lot of the fun, aside from eating them, comes in the preparation of the foods we all love. But what about if you find it difficult to prepare foods; the chopping, slicing and dicing of foods can be difficult for some of us, but there are many ‘Daily Living Aids’ that can help to get the job done, so we can prepare foods for a healthy balanced diet, without the stress.

Daily living aids for food preparation
In this short article, we’ll look at some of the Daily Living Aids that can help make that food prep a little easier and get you more adventurous in preparing and cooking healthier meals in the kitchen…

Daily Living Aids For The Kitchen

Multi-Use Tin Opener

When in the kitchen preparing foods, you’ll be fully familiar with how opening jars and cans can pose difficulties, especially when they have been screwed on so tightly by the manufacturer. If you live alone, it can be a pain to start to prepare a meal, to find that you can’t get the lid of a jar or bottle open, which can be very frustrating.

Help is thankfully at hand with the Multi-Use Tin Opener; this handy device will be one you’ll turn to time and time again, so is well worth the small investment to make your food preparation times shorter and without the additional frustration. Far more than a tin-opener, this multifunctional device can easily open cans or tins with a ring pull, pressure sealed bottle caps, open tins, lift tin lids and open stubborn jar lids.

For those with a weaker grip, disability, or if you’re recuperating from an injury, the large easy-grip lever ensures easier turning, requiring less physical effort and being large enough to enable easier leverage. If you have longer nails, this tool can also have the additional benefit of saving on broken nails caused by lids, caps and bottle tops, so reducing the cost of additional salon visits.

Kitchen Workstation – A Great Daily Living Aid

The Kitchen Workstation, is ‘an extra pair of hands’ that has grown hugely in popularity through word of mouth, because of its versatility and time-saving qualities.

Kitchen workstation daily aid

From preparing fresh vegetables like carrots, potatoes, broccoli and cabbage that requires slicing, grating, dicing or chopping, the Kitchen Workstation has a number of functions that help to grip the vegetables in place enabling the easier action and much faster preparation times. It takes a lot of the stress out of that initial ingredient preparation that can be tricky, especially when dealing with irregular shaped veg that’s inherently hard to slice through – even if you have good wrist strength. The workstation comes with attachments that enable the peeling and grating of veg and fruit, as the photo shows, further helping the easy prep of food, additional spikes can be used to hold items in place and stop them skimming away off the table!

Bread board

If you’re looking for an easier way to slice or spread toppings on to slices of bread, but without the expense of a full workstation, then the Economy Bread Board is a great idea.

Bread board

The breadboard provides an ideal platform for slicing bread with only one hand required, the lips on two of the edges hold the bread firmly in position allowing for easy spreading without the bread falling off the table, or loads of crumbs hitting your floor.

As with the other items mentioned above, the bread board is ideal if you have a weaker grip for any reason, or maybe you experience pain when trying to both hold down bread and spread at the same time? If you have an elderly relative, this is also a very good idea that they’ll love as it reduces the need for the same amount of hand to eye coordination, so making the process simpler and safer.

We hope you’ve found the ideas above informative and helpful. If you’d like to take a look at a wider range of kitchen aids follow this link.

Author Bio

Phil Ashforth is a staff writer for Mobility Smart; an online retailer of health, wellbeing and mobility equipment to help you recover from injury, recuperation and protection of joints and muscles when exercising, or just helping you in normal daily life. You’ll find their website here.

*This is a collaborative post

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