Date Ideas: 5 Fun At Home Date Night Ideas

Lockdown has meant alot of time at home for all of us. Sometimes it can therefore be hard to think of ideas for date night at home or how to celebrate a special occasion with another evening indoors. Even without the restrictions of covid lockdown, it is not unusual for couples to be looking for cheap date ideas because funds are short or at home date ideas because you can’t find a babysitter. Here are five fun suggestions… Date Ideas: Cocktail Evening There are different variations of this idea. You could get some ingredients in and make an evening of shaking and stirring up your own cocktails; either from recipes, or improvise and make up your own speciality cocktail! Or find out if any local services deliver expertly made fresh cocktails to your door; we have found a few different companies who offer doorstep delivery of cocktails and it is an excellent fun alernative to going out for drinks. And even if one of you is teetotal, virgin/ non-alcoholic cocktails are a thing too of course! Games Night A games night can mean different things, depending on what you’re into. You could go for a music quiz (or whatever topic …

Lockdown has meant alot of time at home for all of us. Sometimes it can therefore be hard to think of ideas for date night at home or how to celebrate a special occasion with another evening indoors. Even without the restrictions of covid lockdown, it is not unusual for couples to be looking for cheap date ideas because funds are short or at home date ideas because you can’t find a babysitter. Here are five fun suggestions…

Date Ideas: Cocktail Evening

There are different variations of this idea. You could get some ingredients in and make an evening of shaking and stirring up your own cocktails; either from recipes, or improvise and make up your own speciality cocktail! Or find out if any local services deliver expertly made fresh cocktails to your door; we have found a few different companies who offer doorstep delivery of cocktails and it is an excellent fun alernative to going out for drinks. And even if one of you is teetotal, virgin/ non-alcoholic cocktails are a thing too of course!

Date ideas at home cocktails

Games Night

A games night can mean different things, depending on what you’re into. You could go for a music quiz (or whatever topic interests the participants), general knowledge games, pictionary, charades, other more physical style party games (with or without a drinking twist to them), cards, board games, RPG games or computer games. There are so many options to choose from, making a games night a fun date idea for everyone.

Pamper Evening

Much like the games night idea above, a pamper evening can mean different things to different people. However you decide to approach it, the focus should be on indulging in some self-care together. Having a bath or shower together, or taking turns in the tub while the other relaxes next to you, can work well. You can add an audio book or some music into the mix too for added entertainment. Massages are another relaxing and intimate addition to a pamper date night. Pamper nights can be really special cheap date ideas for a date night at home.

Date Night at a Virtual Museum or Art Gallery Tour

‘Visiting’ a virtual museum together, or taking a virtual art gallery tour, is a lovely at home date idea that my partner and I haven’t done yet. There are plenty of places offering free virtual tours; one I particularly want to check out is Kaiser Chief’s collaboration with York Art Gallery to produce When All Is Quiet exhibit.

Escape Room Date Night Ideas

Aaron and I have completed a few different escape rooms online over the course of lockdown. They make a really fun night in together!

An alternative to online escape rooms is The Wexell Escape Room Kit by Welbeck Publishing (read The Busy Papa’s escape room kit review here). It is another exciting way to enjoy an escape room at home. Better yet, one lucky reader can win a copy!

The Wexell Escape Room Kit

Wexell Escape Room Puzzle Kit Giveaway

One reader can win a Wexell Escape Room Puzzle Kit. Enter via rafflecopter below. Comp ends 11/10/20. UK residents only. Other T&Cs apply.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you got any unusual, romantic or cheap date ideas for date nights at home? Let me know!

*I was sent an escape room kit to review. All opinions my own

63 thoughts on “Date Ideas: 5 Fun At Home Date Night Ideas”

  1. With lockdown keeping us all at home so much more these ideas come at a perfect time. I’ll definitely be trying some of them.

  2. We’ve been meaning to do a real life Escape Room for ages, doing one at home instead would be a fun alternative, especially at the moment!

  3. My partner will soon be home after almost 4 months at sea, so this would be such a fun date night for the two of us to enjoy after so long apart!

  4. Some great ideas here! I am a particular fan of the escape room – I have LOVED that kind of thing ever since I was really young and was so excited when they became a “thing” but there are none anywhere near me so haven’t yet been able to try one….at home is the next best thing!

  5. We love doing games night with friends together and separate. We also love to go out for a meal while our son is at scouts etc. We have been together since he was 16 and i was 17 will be 19yrs together next month lol we have just had a new addition she is 8wks old now. I always say try to make time for yourself without hubby and kids same for him too and also make time just as a couple and then make time to do things as a whole family. It stops it becoming monotonous and also when you do things separately it gives you something new to talk about when you’re having your alone together time. Games are great as they can be tailored to the people playing x

  6. Keeping a relationship going is so hard. Time alone and date nights are so important. Lockdown has probably taken it’s toll so everyone should be reading this post.

  7. This sounds fascinating – would love to try it! I love the idea of being trapped (not in too small a place though, I’m claustrophobic) and having to puzzle my way out!

  8. Variety is the spice of life – making the effort is half the battle for date night – really helps keep harmony
    Perfect game !

  9. Oh, and a great at home date idea- cake decorating! Buy a pack of plain cupcakes, some writing icing and some sweets, and go to town creating designs


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