Decade Challenge: 2009 vs 2019

At the start of last year, Kate on Thin Ice tagged me in a post about the highs and lows of the previous year (2018). However, life was very full-on and intense at the time so, despite best intentions, the post never got written. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t much feel like reflecting on a year I would largely much rather forget anyway. (Although there were certainly some events towards the end of the year that changed my life for the better and I will always happily remember those moments!) Anyway, I digress! The point is, this past year has been much better for me personally and I feel much more inspired to write a reflective type of post. But since it is not just a new year, but a new decade too, and everyone is also doing the Decade Challenge across social media, I figured I might as well just roll everything into one post! Kate has compiled a list of questions over on her blog, so do go check them out, but rather than do a Q&A, I am going to just use those as inspiration for my own little summary of both 2019 and the last …

At the start of last year, Kate on Thin Ice tagged me in a post about the highs and lows of the previous year (2018). However, life was very full-on and intense at the time so, despite best intentions, the post never got written. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t much feel like reflecting on a year I would largely much rather forget anyway. (Although there were certainly some events towards the end of the year that changed my life for the better and I will always happily remember those moments!) Anyway, I digress! The point is, this past year has been much better for me personally and I feel much more inspired to write a reflective type of post. But since it is not just a new year, but a new decade too, and everyone is also doing the Decade Challenge across social media, I figured I might as well just roll everything into one post!

Kate has compiled a list of questions over on her blog, so do go check them out, but rather than do a Q&A, I am going to just use those as inspiration for my own little summary of both 2019 and the last decade. So here it goes…

This past decade has seen many changes in my life; I gave up teaching to become a home educator (and full time carer), set up my own business, got both married and divorced, found my life partner, rediscovered old passions and found new ones, got pets and lost pets, made new friendships and let go of others. Throughout this decade I think I have changed quite dramatically; I learnt much about myself as an individual, and my personal views, as well as reflecting on society and its attitudes. This has led to the realisation that I don’t always have to fit in with others’ expectations and can forge my own path in life. It gave me the confidence to make the best decisions for Squiggle and I, and to find support from people who understand. I have experienced many highs and lows throughout the decade, but have also overcome many challenges, and am proud of myself for this.

2019 itself was a huge turning point for me. This was the year I got divorced and am now in a very happy partnership. Squiggle has still had her struggles, and at times things have been hugely intense, but she is also showing strength and resilience, and alot of potential when she is in the right mindset. I had some brilliant experiences and can think of many highlights of the year; most that instantly come to mind are related to live music, as it happens. I loved seeing Foo Fighters at Reading, watching Aiden Hatfield, lots of local gigs at The Horn, and of course going to see Bon Jovi. It was also the year I turned 40, which was a lovely intimate celebration with Aaron (I will get round to blogging about it sometime!) All in all, it was a good year!

Last but not least, here are my Decade Challenge photos:

Decade Challenge: 2009 vs 2019

1 thought on “Decade Challenge: 2009 vs 2019”

  1. That’s a bit of a roller coaster of a decade but it sounds like you are in a great place now – all the best for the twenties! (Am I the only one though that thinks we should now all be wearing flapper dresses and dancing the Charleston in Art Deco ballrooms?!)


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