Exotic Foods From Faraway Places: Favourite Dishes From Around The World

I have social media connections from all over the world. As I scroll down my instagram feed or browse through facebook photos, I see yummy meals from pretty much every country you can think of! It got me thinking about some of my personal favourite exotic dishes from around the world… Favourites from France I remember going on a school trip to France in my teenage years. We were encouraged to try classic French cuisine, such as escargot; which I admit, I definitely was not a fan of! However, I adored the patisserie; authentic French pastries are delicious! I also love French crepes, which is something that fellow blogger Falcondale Life most certainly agrees with. She had a crepe making lesson in the home of a Breton farmer a couple of years ago. She preferred the sweet crepes, but says they were fiendishly difficult to make in the traditional style! Barbados Delights We visited Barbados back in our early 20s. I don’t remember a huge amount of that holiday anymore, but I do remember going for a tasty beach banquet one night. The coconut rice was particularly good! What I can remember is their dishes generally didn’t look amazing but …

I have social media connections from all over the world. As I scroll down my instagram feed or browse through facebook photos, I see yummy meals from pretty much every country you can think of! It got me thinking about some of my personal favourite exotic dishes from around the world…

Exotic Foods From Faraway Places: Favourite Dishes From Around The World text with a row of plates of food along the bottom of image

Favourites from France

I remember going on a school trip to France in my teenage years. We were encouraged to try classic French cuisine, such as escargot; which I admit, I definitely was not a fan of! However, I adored the patisserie; authentic French pastries are delicious!

I also love French crepes, which is something that fellow blogger Falcondale Life most certainly agrees with. She had a crepe making lesson in the home of a Breton farmer a couple of years ago. She preferred the sweet crepes, but says they were fiendishly difficult to make in the traditional style!

French crepes

Barbados Delights

We visited Barbados back in our early 20s. I don’t remember a huge amount of that holiday anymore, but I do remember going for a tasty beach banquet one night. The coconut rice was particularly good! What I can remember is their dishes generally didn’t look amazing but flavours were incredible.

A Taste of Thailand

I have never visited Thailand but Thai food is one of my favourites! I am especially food of vegetable noodle dishes. If I ever go to Thailand, it would be interesting to see how the real thing compares to the English versions I have sampled! You can travel to Thailand with Destination2 and they also have more yummy recommendations on their site too! Pad thai, anyone?

A well presented selection of Thai food on a table

Other Recommendations

I asked a couple of other bloggers what exotic dishes they recommend, especially vegetarian ones if possible…

Reduced Grub said they absolutely love Turkish Kisir, because it’s super healthy, full of colour and kind on your pocket.

Adventure Travel Family said they loved lentil dhal in Sri Lanka: “As vegans it’s a great high protein source and you can have it spicy for us adults and mild for the kids. It’s also super cheap, perfect for budget travel!”

Delicious noodle dish in a wooden bowl with chopsticks

All this talk of food has made my belly rumble! I wonder if our local Thai is still open right now…

What is your favourite exotic dish? Where in the world is the best food you have ever eaten? Tell me in comments!

*Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

4 thoughts on “Exotic Foods From Faraway Places: Favourite Dishes From Around The World”

  1. Yum! I love all ethinic foods! We had some really good ceviche in Belize, delicious pizza and wine in Croatia. I think the most exotic or unusual foods were in Iceland. We had puffin and hakarl which is basically rotten fermented shark!


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