Your Family And Finances: The Rules

When it comes to your family and finances, you need to make sure that you’re handling them the right way. Many people don’t realize that the way they handle their finances and talk about their finances teaches their kids everything they believe about money before they’ve even grown up and had a chance to experience it for themselves. Take a look at your family and finances: the rules… Always Use Positive Language When Discussing Money When talking about money, especially in front of your kids, always use positive language. If you talk about money in a negative way, they’ll have a bad relationship with money right from the start. You don’t want that! Have Regular Meetings Having regular family meetings where you discuss money, amongst other things, can make it less of a taboo topic of discussion for your family. Give Your Kids Pocket Money There’s nothing wrong with buying kids things that they want, but giving your kids pocket money is usually a better way of going about it. This way, your kids get to decide how to use their money early on. Do they want to save it up for a bigger purchase, or spend it on something …

When it comes to your family and finances, you need to make sure that you’re handling them the right way. Many people don’t realize that the way they handle their finances and talk about their finances teaches their kids everything they believe about money before they’ve even grown up and had a chance to experience it for themselves. Take a look at your family and finances: the rules…

Your Family And Finances: The Rules title on faded background image of pennies

Always Use Positive Language When Discussing Money

When talking about money, especially in front of your kids, always use positive language. If you talk about money in a negative way, they’ll have a bad relationship with money right from the start. You don’t want that!

Have Regular Meetings

Having regular family meetings where you discuss money, amongst other things, can make it less of a taboo topic of discussion for your family.

Give Your Kids Pocket Money

There’s nothing wrong with buying kids things that they want, but giving your kids pocket money is usually a better way of going about it. This way, your kids get to decide how to use their money early on. Do they want to save it up for a bigger purchase, or spend it on something small? You can use this as an opportunity to get them into their own saving habits, too.

Get Into Good Saving Habits

Make sure you’re in good saving habits. This will be evident to your kids and they will learn from watching you – it’ll also make your family less stressed out when an emergency payment or something of importance pops up! Take a look at the superhero saving habits below for help:

credit to Sunny

*Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

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