Housing Rabbits: A Hutch Is Not Enough

A while back now I mentioned that I would write more about the enclosure we have for our beautiful pair of bunny furbabies. They are a larger breed and we couldn’t find anything on the market that we felt offered them enough space, but equally we are not DIY minded enough to make anything secure enough ourselves. So we set about having an enclosure custom – made by a highly rated ebay seller, and gave our exact specifications. We found this to be a relatively cheap option, it arrived very easy to assemble and is great quality construction; just what we need!  We didn’t want anything to be able to dig in or out of their new home, so we laid down some wire mesh flooring, secured to the enclosure using cable ties, then covered it over with rolls of turf so the bunnies would be none the wiser! Then we added a shelter, plus some tunnels for them to play and hide in as well. They love their enclosure!  Step By Step Guide Measure the wire mesh to slightly larger than the enclosure area and cut it to size. Lay it down flat. Overlap any joins and cable tie …

A while back now I mentioned that I would write more about the enclosure we have for our beautiful pair of bunny furbabies. They are a larger breed and we couldn’t find anything on the market that we felt offered them enough space, but equally we are not DIY minded enough to make anything secure enough ourselves. So we set about having an enclosure custom – made by a highly rated ebay seller, and gave our exact specifications. We found this to be a relatively cheap option, it arrived very easy to assemble and is great quality construction; just what we need! 

fabbits, bunnies, pets, furbabies, enclosure, a hutch is not enough, animal welfare, home and garden, custom made, runaround

We didn’t want anything to be able to dig in or out of their new home, so we laid down some wire mesh flooring, secured to the enclosure using cable ties, then covered it over with rolls of turf so the bunnies would be none the wiser! Then we added a shelter, plus some tunnels for them to play and hide in as well. They love their enclosure! 

Step By Step Guide

Measure the wire mesh to slightly larger than the enclosure area and cut it to size. Lay it down flat. Overlap any joins and cable tie them securely.

fabbits, bunnies, pets, furbabies, enclosure, a hutch is not enough, animal welfare, home and garden, custom made

Put the enclosure frame on top of the wire flooring, making sure there is an overlap around the edges.

fabbits, bunnies, pets, furbabies, enclosure, a hutch is not enough, animal welfare, home and garden, custom made

Secure the wire mesh to the bottom of the enclosure using cable ties. Make sure they are very tight so can’t be chewed and cut off the end being careful not to leave sharp edges.

fabbits, bunnies, pets, furbabies, enclosure, a hutch is not enough, animal welfare, home and garden, custom made

Lay rolls of turf over the floor to cover over the wire. Take care to ensure there are no exposed edges or sharp bits of wire anywhere. 

fabbits, bunnies, pets, furbabies, enclosure, a hutch is not enough, animal welfare, home and garden, custom made

Shelter and Accessories

We then added a dog kennel from Pets at Home and burrow pipes from runaround for shelter and protection too. We also left the extra roll of turf we had spare in the enclosure as a little hill/ mound as well. We will introduce new things over time for further enrichment of course. 

fabbits, bunnies, pets, furbabies, enclosure, a hutch is not enough, animal welfare, home and garden, custom made, runaround

The wire roof has a fold back panel opening. Once closed it is secured with padlocks and then partially covered over for extra protection. 

fabbits, bunnies, pets, furbabies, enclosure, a hutch is not enough, animal welfare, home and garden, custom made, runaround

Final Thoughts

Ideally this would be connected to a shed and/ or have extra adjoining sections. We hope that we can build them an extension soon! However, free range access to the garden under supervision for daily exercise is a good alternative too though. 

Do you have pet rabbits? What type of enclosure do they live in?

3 thoughts on “Housing Rabbits: A Hutch Is Not Enough”

  1. I love your enclosure. We have 2 rabbits, ours are house bunnies so have free roam of the kitchen 24/7 and free roam of downstairs whilst we are in/up. I really hate seeing rabbits in tiny cages with no room to run around.


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