How Guilty Are Brits When It Comes To Bad Eco-Habits?

Over recent years there has been an increasing amount of coverage surrounding the bad eco-habits of the population and why we need to act now to protect the environment. Whether it’s supermarkets being encouraged to reduce the amount of plastic packaging they use or the small changes we can make in our homes to reduce our carbon footprints, we’re constantly being reminded of the good eco-habits we should all be introducing into our lives. As the topic of climate change and the environment continues to grow, it’s more than likely we’ve all tried to correct any bad habits we have, although on some occasions it can be easier said than done. To gain a better understanding as to how guilty Brits are when it comes to bad eco-habits, Viessmann launched a campaign which revealed some interesting information. As part of their campaign, Viessmann surveyed 1,000 UK adults to find out how dedicated they are to changing their bad-eco habits and what they’re guilty of doing on a regular basis. How eco-friendly are we as a nation? One question Viessmann wanted to ask the survey respondents is how eco-friendly they think they are. 44% of the people surveyed believe they are …

Over recent years there has been an increasing amount of coverage surrounding the bad eco-habits of the population and why we need to act now to protect the environment. Whether it’s supermarkets being encouraged to reduce the amount of plastic packaging they use or the small changes we can make in our homes to reduce our carbon footprints, we’re constantly being reminded of the good eco-habits we should all be introducing into our lives.

As the topic of climate change and the environment continues to grow, it’s more than likely we’ve all tried to correct any bad habits we have, although on some occasions it can be easier said than done. To gain a better understanding as to how guilty Brits are when it comes to bad eco-habits, Viessmann launched a campaign which revealed some interesting information.

As part of their campaign, Viessmann surveyed 1,000 UK adults to find out how dedicated they are to changing their bad-eco habits and what they’re guilty of doing on a regular basis.

How eco-friendly are we as a nation?

One question Viessmann wanted to ask the survey respondents is how eco-friendly they think they are. 44% of the people surveyed believe they are ‘somewhat eco conscious’ which may not come as a surprise to most people. A further 37% admitted to being ‘quite eco conscious, whilst sadly, 5% revealed they were ‘not at all eco conscious’. Although 5% is fairly low, it’s important we all educate ourselves on the subject and alter our views on how eco conscious we need to be.

How Guilty Are Brits When It Comes To Bad Eco-Habits?

What bad eco-habits are we most guilty of?

As a nation we’re working hard to try and reduce the amount of single-use plastic we buy and use, but unfortunately, it appears we may not be as committed as what we once thought. According to the survey, 36% of respondents admitted to buying a product containing single-use plastic in the past week. As well as this, 34% of people revealed they had thrown food away and 28% had eaten red meat more than twice in the previous week. Although the UK has taken huge strides when it comes to these bad habits, the figures revealed from the survey need to be reduced in order to protect the environment around us.

How committed are we to changing our bad habits?

Although it can be easy to slip into old habits, it appears that the majority of people surveyed have good intentions and do try their best where possible. The survey revealed that 50% of adults ‘try to be as eco friendly as possible but sometimes forget’. This figure does show that as a nation we are aware of the changes we need to make and the steps we can take to create a better environment. On the flip side though, 15% of respondents said ‘they feel guilty but not fully willing or able to make lifestyle changes’, which is rather alarming.

It’s important we all do our bit to become more eco friendly and look at how we can turn bad eco-habits into good. Whether it’s investing in sustainable fashion or switching to a vegan diet, take steps which are doable for you.

Do you have any bad eco-habits? If so, share them in the comments section below.

*This is a collaborative post

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