How To Clean Your Laminate Flooring

Laminate floors are popular thanks to their modern and stylish appearance, matched with affordability. Whilst it would not be my first choice of flooring personally, especially from an eco perspective, it is not unusual for a property to already have laminate flooring when you move in; and if it doesn’t replacing, doing so unnecessarily creates waste and therefore serves no real purpose from an environmental point of view. In addition, when it comes to renting, it is often a case of making the best of what the property has, as these decisions are often not for the tenant. Therefore, knowing how to clean your laminate flooring properly is useful… Laminate floor cleaners There is an array of laminate floor cleaning products available. Of course, I would always recommend that you pick the most eco-friendly choices possible and try to avoid harsh chemicals. Often there are DIY options, which saves money and are more environmentally- friendly, or purchase natural cleaning products in the least (and most sustainable) packaging possible. You will also need to use a vacuum first before applying any products. A stick vacuum is a recommended option, making it so much easier for you to get rid of dirt …

Laminate floors are popular thanks to their modern and stylish appearance, matched with affordability. Whilst it would not be my first choice of flooring personally, especially from an eco perspective, it is not unusual for a property to already have laminate flooring when you move in; and if it doesn’t replacing, doing so unnecessarily creates waste and therefore serves no real purpose from an environmental point of view. In addition, when it comes to renting, it is often a case of making the best of what the property has, as these decisions are often not for the tenant. Therefore, knowing how to clean your laminate flooring properly is useful…

Laminate floor cleaners

There is an array of laminate floor cleaning products available. Of course, I would always recommend that you pick the most eco-friendly choices possible and try to avoid harsh chemicals. Often there are DIY options, which saves money and are more environmentally- friendly, or purchase natural cleaning products in the least (and most sustainable) packaging possible.

You will also need to use a vacuum first before applying any products. A stick vacuum is a recommended option, making it so much easier for you to get rid of dirt and dust.

How To Clean Your Laminate Flooring

How to clean laminate floors without streaks

Many individuals complain about leftover streaks that appear on their laminate flooring once they’ve cleaned. Nevertheless, there are various methods to clean laminate wood floors without streaks and they really are quite simple. The best thing to do is to mop the floor with white vinegar and water. Unlike many products, white vinegar solution won’t ruin laminate floors. Simply add some white vinegar to water; I would recommend adding approximately a quarter of a cup to every two gallons of lukewarm water. Once you have mixed this together, all you have to do is mop your floor and simply wait for it to dry. However, be careful not to get laminate flooring too wet as this can damage it.

How to shine laminate floors

First and foremost, by cleaning your flooring on a regular basis you will ensure that its shine lasts for a long time; so knowing how to clean your laminate flooring properly really is the key. However, if you do need to add some extra shine to your floor then you will need to buy a product specifically intended to shine laminate flooring, as anything else could harm the laminate floor.

*This is a collaborative post

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