How To Grow Your Hair

Many mums find that they suffer from hair loss when they are pregnant, or shortly after giving birth, or sometimes both! It can be daunting finding clumps of hair in the shower after a hair wash, but rest assured it is normal. (Although if you are concerned, or are also experiencing other symptoms, do speak to a healthcare provider about it of course!) I was lucky in that I didn’t actually have any noticeable hair loss during pregnancy or postpartum. However, I then randomly and unexpectedly began to notice quite significant amounts falling out last year. I am not really sure what caused it to be honest, and there weren’t any obvious patches at first. But after a few months, I did start to notice visible thinning in places. Obviously this can be abit upsetting, although I tried not to worry about it too much personally. (Apart from anything else, I am sure stress wouldn’t help!) But it is comforting to know there are things that can be done to help. So here are some tips for encouraging hair growth… Don’t use too much heat and avoid too many styling products Try to avoid using too much heat, or doing …

Many mums find that they suffer from hair loss when they are pregnant, or shortly after giving birth, or sometimes both! It can be daunting finding clumps of hair in the shower after a hair wash, but rest assured it is normal. (Although if you are concerned, or are also experiencing other symptoms, do speak to a healthcare provider about it of course!)

I was lucky in that I didn’t actually have any noticeable hair loss during pregnancy or postpartum. However, I then randomly and unexpectedly began to notice quite significant amounts falling out last year. I am not really sure what caused it to be honest, and there weren’t any obvious patches at first. But after a few months, I did start to notice visible thinning in places.

Obviously this can be abit upsetting, although I tried not to worry about it too much personally. (Apart from anything else, I am sure stress wouldn’t help!) But it is comforting to know there are things that can be done to help. So here are some tips for encouraging hair growth…

How to grow your hair title with faded background image of a woman with long healthy hair

Don’t use too much heat and avoid too many styling products

Try to avoid using too much heat, or doing too much styling, because this dries out hair and damages it. Styling products often also contain chemicals that are harsh on your hair. You need to keep your hair healthy to allow it to grow, so go for the natural look as often as possible

A lady drying her hair

Healthy diet, healthy hair!

If you eat healthily, ensuring you get plenty of nutrition, this will also help your hair to grow. Take supplements if needed to give your body, and hair, that extra boost. This BBC article has some excellent suggestions on what to eat for healthy hair.

Condition your hair thoroughly

Remember to condition your hair everytime it gets wet and make sure you use plenty of conditioner. Natural oils, such as coconut oil, and other natural hair treatments, will help to replenish your hair and encourage growth.

Coconut oil in glass jar with wooden scoop

Choose the right brush

Help your hair to produce its own natural oils by brushing regularly. However, the wrong brush can damage hair, which is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve of course – so make sure you choose the right type of hair brush! Any knots should be teased out carefully, starting from the bottom, not get pulled out mercilessly by the brush.

Get regular trims

Regular trimming to avoid split ends helps to keep hair healthy. Whilst it may seem counter-intuitive to cut the hair that you are trying to grow, I promise you – it really isn’t!

Be patient!

It isn’t going to magically grow an inch overnight! You need to be realistic with your expectations. Keep trying the tips above and you will hopefully start to see results.

If all else fails…

Research hair transplant cost if the issue is severe and home methods have not helped, especially if it is having a major impact on your self- esteem and confidence. This may seem drastic but if nothing else has worked and it is affecting your overall wellbeing, it might be worth looking into. It is often helpful to consider all options; if nothing else, it can feel somewhat empowering to know that you do have choices, and that there are ways to regain some control over it, if need be.

What are your top tips for growing your hair? I would love to read them in comments!

*Disclosure: This post is written in collaboration with Harley Street Hair Clinic.

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