#LivingLifeWild – RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 

I loved reading everyone’s posts from last week, and seeing your pictures too. Thank you all so much for taking part! Even when it’s cold and you feel reluctant to venture outdoors, it can turn out to be lots of fun, can’t it Eps and Amy?! lol! (Check out the blog post to see what I mean!)  I have chosen the following instagram photo to share by Mammas School but it was a tough choice! I particularly loved this photo because I never would have thought to do pond dipping at this time of year, but it’s a great idea!  View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mamma's School 🐚🦋🍄 (@mammasschool) All of the photos are fab though, I really loved seeing all of your adventures and look forward to seeing more this week! Don’t forget to use the hastag #livinglifewild and also tag me too so I don’t miss it! This week we are preparing to do some citizen science for the Big Garden Birdwatch with RSPB. We have got our pack and made sure our garden is inviting and bird friendly! The Big Garden Birdwatch takes place this weekend from 28th-30th January. If you want to take part you can apply for your pack and …

I loved reading everyone’s posts from last week, and seeing your pictures too. Thank you all so much for taking part! Even when it’s cold and you feel reluctant to venture outdoors, it can turn out to be lots of fun, can’t it Eps and Amy?! lol! (Check out the blog post to see what I mean!) 

I have chosen the following instagram photo to share by Mammas School but it was a tough choice! I particularly loved this photo because I never would have thought to do pond dipping at this time of year, but it’s a great idea! 

All of the photos are fab though, I really loved seeing all of your adventures and look forward to seeing more this week! Don’t forget to use the hastag #livinglifewild and also tag me too so I don’t miss it!

#livinglifewild, Living Life Wild, linky, hashtag, nature, wildlife, environment, outdoors, green living, Living Life Our Way

This week we are preparing to do some citizen science for the Big Garden Birdwatch with RSPB. We have got our pack and made sure our garden is inviting and bird friendly! The Big Garden Birdwatch takes place this weekend from 28th-30th January. If you want to take part you can apply for your pack and download it here.

Big Garden Birdwatch, RSPB, #livinglifewild, Living Life Wild, Living Life Our Way, citizen science, nature, wildlife, environment, outdoors, green living, home education

Big Garden Birdwatch, RSPB, #livinglifewild, Living Life Wild, Living Life Our Way, citizen science, nature, wildlife, environment, outdoors, green living, home education

Share your posts (old or new) via the linky below. If you need further information about #livinglifewild hashtag and linky please check out the introduction, or contact me if you have any questions. Lastly, apologies again about the badge (teething issues!) – I am trying to work out how to resolve it, but have removed it temporarily until it is sorted. Please feel free to text link to my blog instead if possible, thanks. 

Have a fantastic wild week everybody!!!

11 thoughts on “#LivingLifeWild – RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch ”

  1. What a great idea for a linky! Very inspiring and I love the idea of pond dipping in winter. I keep meaning to make bird feeders with my eldest (she’s 2) – she loves looking at birds so maybe I could get her involved with the bird watching! 🙂

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  2. Such a great idea, although I’m a little bit of a wuss in the cold weather! I’ll have to bookmark this one for when I do get the courage to venture outside!

  3. I love the RSPB initiatives (we did “Give Nature a Home” last summer). We have had so many more garden birds here in our Swedish garden then in the south where we lived in the UK. It’s been a very cold winter and we’ve got robins, blue tits, waxwings (autumn), and others I’ve yet to identify! Makes a change from oversized seagulls, starlings, and pigeons trying to wobble on the bird feeder!!

  4. Bird watching is one of those things that always wanted to do but never really picked up. This looks like a really fun way to do it.

  5. Pond dipping looks so much fun! I don’t believe our garden is very bird friendly (crazy dog would put paid to any visitors anyway!) but my Mum is very good at attracting birds to her garden and my little ones love to watch them.

  6. Hi! What a brilliant idea for a linky, it’s my first time linking up and hoping to find lots of like minded blogs to read! I love the big garden birdwatch. We don’t get many birds in our garden, but Nanny and Grandad do so I might order a pack for them to do with the girls x

  7. Thankyou so much for the photo feature 🙂 I’m now going to try the linky for the first time ever (new to all of this as never felt their was a place we fitted in with our type of blog!). So thankyou, and I hope I have got it right!!!


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