Maker Workshop: Book Review and Giveaway (x 4 Copies)

Maker Workshop by Dr Alison Buxton is full of fun STEM projects for children to carry out at home. Welbeck Publishing kindly sent me a copy of this book to review. The book has an interesting variety of projects. It is split into different sections; bionic bots, mega movers, home helpers, out and about, and mini-verse. Activities include bug bot, mini basketball game, and mini ferris wheel, to name just a few examples. I like that there are some eco-friendly activities, such as gravity powered car, mini geodesic greenhouse and solar night light. The activities are set at different skill levels, and alot of them seem to be quite indepth and involved, enabling children to really spend time engaging in their project and getting heavily into it. Each section also comes with a short explanation of the science behind it. The instructions are well illustrated to make them clear and easier to follow. You need quite a selection of tools and equipment in order to complete the projects. Items such as glue gun, wire strippers, bradawl, junior hacksaw, pliers, hand drill and bits, screwdrivers and craft knife are required. In addition; tape, wires, LEDs, batteries and holders, zip ties, terminal …

Maker Workshop by Dr Alison Buxton is full of fun STEM projects for children to carry out at home. Welbeck Publishing kindly sent me a copy of this book to review.

The book has an interesting variety of projects. It is split into different sections; bionic bots, mega movers, home helpers, out and about, and mini-verse. Activities include bug bot, mini basketball game, and mini ferris wheel, to name just a few examples. I like that there are some eco-friendly activities, such as gravity powered car, mini geodesic greenhouse and solar night light.

Solar night light Maker Workshop

The activities are set at different skill levels, and alot of them seem to be quite indepth and involved, enabling children to really spend time engaging in their project and getting heavily into it. Each section also comes with a short explanation of the science behind it. The instructions are well illustrated to make them clear and easier to follow.

Science of miniverse Maker Workshop

You need quite a selection of tools and equipment in order to complete the projects. Items such as glue gun, wire strippers, bradawl, junior hacksaw, pliers, hand drill and bits, screwdrivers and craft knife are required. In addition; tape, wires, LEDs, batteries and holders, zip ties, terminal blocks, mini DC motor, bamboo skewers, craft sticks and dowel. Home educators and DIY enthusiasts might well have all this at home already. For others, some preparation and investment is needed to carry out these projects.

Maker workshop kit

There is a contents page, index and glossary too. These are clearly laid out and the terms are well explained. From a home educator point of view, these parts are also useful for literacy skills too. (As is following instructions of course).


Disclosure: Maker Workshop was sent to me for the purpose of review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

You might also want to check out The Amazing Recycling Project Book

68 thoughts on “Maker Workshop: Book Review and Giveaway (x 4 Copies)”

  1. These some great activities in here! What a great book! I love they are eco-friendly, and there is something there for everyone.

  2. Science is the one subject my granddaughter would engage with during lock down. My daughter is a key worker so we’ve been doing a lot of home ed/ childcare

  3. Looks like a great book, very appropriate time the children. Beneficial:- Fun learning opportunities in regards to STEM topics / subjects.

  4. Looks like a good book. My kids are at the early years stage so this would give us something to work on together over time.

  5. What a treasure trove of ideas! I would love to encourage my girls with STEM projects but often don’t know where to start, so this would be brilliant for us!

  6. This looks great! My 6 year old is obsessed with science and as I’m home schooling him now, I have to bribe him with either science or crafts to get him to do his English work lol. This book would be a great incentive!

  7. I love to encourage learning that is fun and captures my kids attention from the review these sound perfect for intrdoucing them to lots of new projects.

  8. My daughters are always crafting. I’d be thrilled to learn from this book with them. I can see it giving lots of magical moments.

  9. They would help me learn to read too as I have Dyslexia and am going through a bad ‘spell’ at the moment!

  10. These would be great for my daughter, fun and educational and a great assistance in home schooling to catch up with whats been lost xx

  11. The maker workshop book looks such a fun and interesting book for children. Most children love projects and it’s good to see that the book includes eco projects too. My Grandson has being doing projects at school and misses them now he is at home so I am sure a book like this would be most welcome.

  12. These books would be perfect for my inquisitive daughter. Thanks for the great review and giveaway .

  13. My granddaughter is 11 and loves anything to do with science. This would be wonderful to occupy her now she is at home. She finishes her homework very quickly, had a wonderful end of term report. This would be great fun for her.


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