Music News: An Interview With Chris Guard – Leapfrogtown

Have you heard of Leapfrogtown? It is the musical brainchild of actor Chris Guard. Read my interview with him and find out more about the band…

Ok, so you lot know I love music. And that is why I never turn down the chance to find out more about new (well, to me anyway) bands. Especially ones with cool names…

A picture of all 5 band members of Leapfrogtown.

Introducing Leapfrogtown

London group Leapfrogtown formed in the spring of 2013 by all-round creative Chris Guard, best known as an actor and husband to Casualty star Cathy Shipton, and musician/producer Stuart Walton. In 2016 they were joined by Florin C Pascu, Kos Mylon and Andrada Maria Brisc to complete the five member band it is now. Leapfrogtown say they take an eclectic approach to production, letting the sounds serve the songs and the band serve the sounds. A wide range of music influences their work.

Find out more and listen:

Chris Guard and Leapfrogband performing live onstage.

Interview with Chris Guard

Where did you get the idea for the band name?

Leapfrogtown is the band. 5 of us now… originally it was jumping over obstacles. Then there’s the offshoot.

Dreamed up What the Fox for a previous project. Usual shit… sitting around pitching band name ideas. Someone said What the Fuck, so it’s just that really – sanitised. Re-branded!

Chris, you are/ were an actor – but have you always had a keen interest in music? What inspired you to start a band?

Music is unavoidable. Acting bought me a house but songwriting is my blood. Mum was a successful actor but her three volumes of published poetry rock my boat. Bands are my outlet.

And the rest of the band, what were your previous careers?

The band are all professional musicians/artists/creatives. All they know.

Three of the band members of Leapfrogtown.

Describe your music in one word.


Who is your biggest musical influence?

John Lennon

What is your favourite track (of your own) and why?

Crave; because I perform it alone but it cries for a band.

What is your all- time favourite song?

Maggie May by Rod Stewart because it’s raw and ridiculous.

How do you enjoy spending your spare time – when you aren’t busy making music?

Raising children, baking, painting, laughing, running, throwing my smart phone in the river.

Tell us all something about yourself that we don’t already know!

I’m an ornithologist

What are your goals for next year?

Don’t die as often as possible.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview!

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