My Hopes and Wishes For 2017

​Moving on slightly from my new year resolution post, I was kindly tagged by Devon Mama and Friendly First Foods to share my wishes for 2017 in different areas of my life. I am grateful to be involved in this because it helps me to focus on my aims for this year; I do like to set myself goals, as I said previously!  Personal Wishes To make time to dance, go to gigs, listen to music; do the things I love. To meet more like-minded people and build new friendships. To try new activities/ do different things/ go to new places; be adventurous! To volunteer at a couple of events. To keep developing myself and continue with my inner growth. Blog Wishes To increase my reach, so that more lovely people read my blog! To meet some more fellow bloggers in real-life, maybe even make it to one of the blogging events this year. To start my nature linky, which will motivate me to post regularly about our outdoor adventures. It will also help me become more organised about blogging too! To continue my guest series ‘A Quick Cuppa With….’ because it is a lovely way to connect with other bloggers and support small …

​Moving on slightly from my new year resolution post, I was kindly tagged by Devon Mama and Friendly First Foods to share my wishes for 2017 in different areas of my life. I am grateful to be involved in this because it helps me to focus on my aims for this year; I do like to set myself goals, as I said previously! 

Hopes and wishes, 2017, goals, about me, blogging, family, twenty wishes

Personal Wishes

  • To make time to dance, go to gigs, listen to music; do the things I love.
  • To meet more like-minded people and build new friendships.
  • To try new activities/ do different things/ go to new places; be adventurous!
  • To volunteer at a couple of events.
  • To keep developing myself and continue with my inner growth.

Blog Wishes

  • To increase my reach, so that more lovely people read my blog!
  • To meet some more fellow bloggers in real-life, maybe even make it to one of the blogging events this year.
  • To start my nature linky, which will motivate me to post regularly about our outdoor adventures. It will also help me become more organised about blogging too!
  • To continue my guest series ‘A Quick Cuppa With….’ because it is a lovely way to connect with other bloggers and support small businesses, plus it helps me to have scheduled posts in advance!
  • To seek out more paid opportunities as my blog continues to grow. 

Family Wishes

  • To organise a good balance of home ed activities that interest and develop Squiggle, whilst giving her plenty of freedom and the flexibility needed, to meet her needs.
  • To explore some new days out, such as Kew Gardens for example.
  • To have a family holiday.
  • To expand our etsy shop to sell more sustainable clothing with Squiggle’s own designs.
  • To continue taking an active role role in protecting our environment.

Hopes and Wishes

  • That 2017 is a peaceful year.
  • That we stay happy and healthy.
  • That we are able to overcome challenges and find solutions.
  • That we maintain our sense of wonder for the world around us.
  • That we set a good example and inspire.

So that’s my list of hopes and dreams for 2017! 

I tag the following lovely bloggers to take part too…

Han Plans

Waffle Mama

The Amphletts

Big Family Little Adventures

Life As Mrs D

Five Little Doves

Mummy Miller
I look forward to reading your posts!

19 thoughts on “My Hopes and Wishes For 2017”

  1. This is such an exhaustive list! I can see that you have thought alot about it, and that is great. I like to keep things simple for myself and focus on one major thing. Otherwise, I end up feeling sad when I don’t get as far as I was hoping.

  2. Happy New Years! I love that you broke down your goals/wishes into categories. It seems to make them more “attainable” since you have a clear concise direction to follow. Good luck!


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