My Liebster Award Nomination! 

The Liebster Award is a virtual award given to bloggers by other bloggers as a way of spreading the blogging love. Huge thanks to Naomi over at Me Becoming Mum for nominating me. I hadn’t heard of it before, but excited to be included, thank you! The official rules of the Liebster Award are here. Basically, Naomi has written ten questions for me to answer, plus I need to share ten random facts, then I nominate a few more fellow bloggers and write my own questions for them. (Full rules are also below, at the end of this post). So it’s a great way for bloggers to connect and get to know each other, and to welcome newbies into the blogging network. Such a lovely idea! So here are my ten questions (and answers!) If you were an animal, what would you be? Maybe a cat? They are usually well loved (often totally pampered more like!) yet are fiercely independent and avid explorers. Not too many predators to contend with either, but have to be street savvy! Who do you consider to be your idol? Tough question! I’m not sure about ‘idol’ per se, I’m not a massive fan of that term, but there …

The Liebster Award is a virtual award given to bloggers by other bloggers as a way of spreading the blogging love. Huge thanks to Naomi over at Me Becoming Mum for nominating me. I hadn’t heard of it before, but excited to be included, thank you!

Liebster award, blogging award, bloggers, about us, living life our way

The official rules of the Liebster Award are here. Basically, Naomi has written ten questions for me to answer, plus I need to share ten random facts, then I nominate a few more fellow bloggers and write my own questions for them. (Full rules are also below, at the end of this post). So it’s a great way for bloggers to connect and get to know each other, and to welcome newbies into the blogging network. Such a lovely idea!

So here are my ten questions (and answers!)

If you were an animal, what would you be?

Maybe a cat? They are usually well loved (often totally pampered more like!) yet are fiercely independent and avid explorers. Not too many predators to contend with either, but have to be street savvy!

Who do you consider to be your idol?

Tough question! I’m not sure about ‘idol’ per se, I’m not a massive fan of that term, but there are lots of people who inspire me for one reason or another. One example of someone who comes to mind at this moment is Erin Schrode, a leading environmentalist and inspiring politician. Erin has recently attended the UN Climate Change Conference 2016, after peacefully protesting at Standing Rock. She is also the youngest ever person to run for congress. Aside from all of that, she is a major advocate for green living and co-founded Turning Green, which is an amazing non-profit organisation behind the life changing Project Green Challenge. She is truly inspirational!

Sun or Snow?

Both are equally wonderful in their own way!

Which day holds the best memory (or memories) for you?

The day my daughter was born is the first thing that springs to mind.

You’re holding a tea party, and you can pick four famous guests. Who would they be?

Oooh, erm, I would choose people who I think would be really interesting to talk with, rather than because they are famous. But I am struggling to pick four as there are loads of fascinating people I would love to meet, famous or not!

Which movie or TV character would you most like to marry?

Haha, I love this question!

What day of the week do you most look forward to?

I don’t have a favourite. Our home ed lifestyle means we have alot of freedom and can be very flexible, so generally I look forward to them all!

What was your first car? (If you don’t have one, what would your dream car be?)

It was a gold ford fiesta. I got it in the late 90’s and it was an old banger then so goodness knows what year (or decade!) it was actually made lol! It was proper old style!

You are stranded on a desert island. What five items could you not live without?

I assume we have food and water? Do we have clothes?! My daughter (although she isn’t an item obviously!) Erm, can I have my bed?! I’d want art supplies to get creative. Toilet roll haha! Ooh my phone… and a solar powered battery for it!

Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or something else?

Tea definitely. I don’t drink coffee. Or hot chocolate.

Ten Random Facts About Me

  • I don’t have a middle name.
  • I have a small scar on my forehead.
  • I really can’t drink wine, it doesn’t agree with me at all!
  • Part of my c-section stitches had to be left inside me (they were not ones that dissolve so should not be!)
  • I have a weird fear of escalators.
  • I got a 1st degree BEd.
  • I used to have a crush on Philip Schofield when he presented cupboard under the stairs (or whatever it was called!)
  • I have moved 20 times (I think, I may have lost count and missed one or two possibly!)
  • My first pet was a white rabbit called Snowy.
  • My bedtime toy as a child was an orange popple, which I still have. (It no longer sleeps with me though!)

Liebster award, blogging award, bloggers, about us, living life our way

My Nominees:

Witts in the Wild

3 Girls Mummy

Raw Childhood


Being Mummy

The Family Treasures

Conflab Corner

Here are your questions:

1. What or who inspires you?

2. Pick one. Dogs or cats?

3. Name your top ten all time favourite tunes.

4. Who is the one person you would most like to sit on a bench with to chat together?

5. What is your favourite hobby, way to relax or spend ‘me’ time?

6. What do you like most about yourself?

7. What is your favourite childhood memory?

8. What’s your most embarrasing moment?

9. What was your first ever job?

10. Name one thing you are grateful for today.

Remember your ten random facts too!


Liebster Award Rules:

Step 1: Thank the person who nominated you, and link back to their blog.

Step 2: Display the Liebster Award badge.

Step 3: Answer the ten questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.

Step 4: Provide ten random facts about yourself.

Step 5: Nominate between five and eleven fellow bloggers you believe deserve the award.

Step 6: Create a new list of questions for the nominees to answer.

Remember to tell your nominees that they have been nominated for the Liebster award, and ask them to include the rules in their post too!

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