Nature Walk – #30DaysWild 

Squiggle and I regularly go on nature walks. Being situated in an urban location doesn’t mean we have to deprive ourselves of nature. Despite living on the outskirts of a city, we are lucky enough to have parkland and green spaces on our doorstep. Natural environment is essential to our wellbeing. I feel it is therefore important to take the time to appreciate the natural world around us – perhaps even more so because sometimes we have to actively seek it out.  So we slow down, we pause to observe, we talk about what is around us, and use all our senses to explore. We emerse ourselves. That sense of wonder and curiosity that young children have, that excitement of a new discovery – find that within yourself again! I love looking at things close up or from different perspectives. I also really enjoy taking photos, and I feel it helps me to do this. Some people say taking pictures distracts them from being in the moment, but I feel the opposite; photography helps me to connect further – deeper – and keeps me focused, in the moment for longer. On that note, I’ll leave you with some photos from …

Squiggle and I regularly go on nature walks. Being situated in an urban location doesn’t mean we have to deprive ourselves of nature. Despite living on the outskirts of a city, we are lucky enough to have parkland and green spaces on our doorstep. Natural environment is essential to our wellbeing. I feel it is therefore important to take the time to appreciate the natural world around us – perhaps even more so because sometimes we have to actively seek it out. 

So we slow down, we pause to observe, we talk about what is around us, and use all our senses to explore. We emerse ourselves. That sense of wonder and curiosity that young children have, that excitement of a new discovery – find that within yourself again!

I love looking at things close up or from different perspectives. I also really enjoy taking photos, and I feel it helps me to do this. Some people say taking pictures distracts them from being in the moment, but I feel the opposite; photography helps me to connect further – deeper – and keeps me focused, in the moment for longer.

On that note, I’ll leave you with some photos from our latest nature walk the other day…

Living Life Our Way, 30 Days Wild, The Wildlife Trusts, nature, wildlife, environment, green living, #30DaysWild, #LivingLifeWild, campaign, childhood unplugged, outdoors

Living Life Our Way, 30 Days Wild, The Wildlife Trusts, nature, wildlife, environment, green living, #30DaysWild, #LivingLifeWild, campaign, childhood unplugged, outdoors

Living Life Our Way, 30 Days Wild, The Wildlife Trusts, ferns uncurling, nature, wildlife, environment, green living, #30DaysWild, #LivingLifeWild, campaign, childhood unplugged, outdoors

Living Life Our Way, 30 Days Wild, The Wildlife Trusts, lambs ears, nature, wildlife, environment, green living, #30DaysWild, #LivingLifeWild, campaign, childhood unplugged, outdoors

Living Life Our Way, 30 Days Wild, The Wildlife Trusts, nature, wildlife, environment, green living, #30DaysWild, #LivingLifeWild, campaign, childhood unplugged, outdoors

And one from Squiggle too…

Living Life Our Way, 30 Days Wild, The Wildlife Trusts, nature, wildlife, environment, green living, #30DaysWild, #LivingLifeWild, campaign, childhood unplugged, outdoors

Remember, you can link up your 30 Days Wild posts here, I love reading them!

And if you are stuck for inspiration, as well as looking at 30 Days Wild website or app, check out Grow Eat Gift‘s post with 30 brilliant wild ideas!

#30DaysWild #LivingLifeWild

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