Signs That You May Be Entitled To Personal Injury Compensation

If you have experienced a personal injury in the last three years that wasn’t your fault, and if you recovered from that injury in a few days, you may not feel that your suffering was sufficient enough to warrant a case for personal injury compensation. You would be wrong. Following any kind of personal injury (from slips and trips, dog bites, needlestick injuries, car accidents, and food poisoning, to things like physical and mental abuse), there may be hidden costs to your injury – for all of which you should not be expected to foot the bill. For exact details on personal injury compensation relating to your experience, speak to a lawyer (for example, see Tampa personal injury lawyer).  Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the signs that you could be entitled to personal injury compensation.  Loss of Income Although your personal injury may have resulted in only minor time away from work, the fact is that you were left in a position of having to take either unpaid leave or having to use a portion of your annual allowance of paid leave (meaning that paid leave has been taken away from you at no fault of …

If you have experienced a personal injury in the last three years that wasn’t your fault, and if you recovered from that injury in a few days, you may not feel that your suffering was sufficient enough to warrant a case for personal injury compensation.

You would be wrong.

Following any kind of personal injury (from slips and trips, dog bites, needlestick injuries, car accidents, and food poisoning, to things like physical and mental abuse), there may be hidden costs to your injury – for all of which you should not be expected to foot the bill. For exact details on personal injury compensation relating to your experience, speak to a lawyer (for example, see Tampa personal injury lawyer). 

Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the signs that you could be entitled to personal injury compensation. 

Loss of Income

Although your personal injury may have resulted in only minor time away from work, the fact is that you were left in a position of having to take either unpaid leave or having to use a portion of your annual allowance of paid leave (meaning that paid leave has been taken away from you at no fault of your own). These consequential and direct financial losses are known as special damages.

You would not wilfully ask for the bank details of the person responsible for causing you to suffer a loss of income so that you may transfer a few days of your wages to them for free, but if you fail to bring a personal injury compensation claim, this is essentially what you are agreeing to. Always act. 

Medical Bills

While most people believe that a compensation award is paid on the basis of any pain and suffering endured as a result of the accident, there are other aspects of your claim relating to the medical side of things that should not be overlooked. 

Medical treatment, rehabilitation costs, transport to medical appointments, and prescriptions that are necessary as a result of your injury could all count towards your personal injury compensation claim.

If you have had to pay towards your rehabilitation in any way, that money could be recouped.


When having to take time away from work to deal with your rehabilitation following a personal injury, you will likely need to travel for medical appointments.

This means that you will need child care, either in the mornings before school starts or in the evenings after school has ended. Again, these costs (that you would not have otherwise incurred had you not been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault) can all be recouped.   

A final word… keep all receipts. This sounds obvious, but any receipts for expenditure relating to your injury can be used as evidence. 

*This is a collaborative post

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