Squiggle’s Guide to Protecting Our Environment (#LivingLifeWild Linky)

Thanks to Views From An Urban Lake and Agent 54 for sharing their beautiful photo posts, and to Mamma’s School for sharing her island adventures. https://www.instagram.com/p/BP-SfvWAHeU/ My IG pick this week is this adorable photo by The Penny Three. Do check out the hashtag #LivingLifeWild on instagram yourselves though, there are lots of really lovely outdoors photos! This week, Squiggle would also like to share her top tips for green living: Pick up rubbish when you see it🚯🚮â™» Use recycled pacaging insted of rubbish â™»or better still noneâ™» Using Straws&cups made with *natrle meterils 🍹or reusable ones Use organic cottens or hemp or Bamboo for cloths👕 Try not to make too much food waste and put eny in the food waste bin â™»🍎🍉🍑🍒🍓🍇  *(natural materials) Do you have any other green living ideas to share? Comment below! An InLinkz Link-up Stay wild and green, see you next week!

Thanks to Views From An Urban Lake and Agent 54 for sharing their beautiful photo posts, and to Mamma’s School for sharing her island adventures.


My IG pick this week is this adorable photo by The Penny Three. Do check out the hashtag #LivingLifeWild on instagram yourselves though, there are lots of really lovely outdoors photos!

#LivingLifeWild, nature, outdoors, wildlife, green living, natural environment, sustainability, home education, freedom to learn, childhood unplugged

This week, Squiggle would also like to share her top tips for green living:

Pick up rubbish when you see it🚯🚮â™»

Use recycled pacaging insted of rubbish â™»or better still noneâ™»

Using Straws&cups made with *natrle meterils 🍹or reusable ones

Use organic cottens or hemp or Bamboo for cloths👕

Try not to make too much food waste and put eny in the food waste bin â™»🍎🍉🍑🍒🍓🍇

 *(natural materials)

Do you have any other green living ideas to share? Comment below!

Stay wild and green, see you next week!

2 thoughts on “Squiggle’s Guide to Protecting Our Environment (#LivingLifeWild Linky)”

  1. These are really good tips 🙂 Living in Sweden recycling is huge, and household waste is kept to a minimum, burning anything left as a fuel source. We have 6 bins in our kitchens alone-plastics, cardboard & paper, metal, food, newspapers & magazines, and then combustible (anything that doesn’t fall in those catgories,but doesn’t go to the tip). Then we also have other bins for glass, another for lightbulbs, another for batteries etc etc. It took a while to get my head round it, but now we are used to it, even our 5 year old twins know what to do!


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