Fun Activities To Do With Your Kids

Keeping your children entertained can sometimes be a huge challenge; it can be hard to make sure they are stimulated mentally and physically for the day. But there are plenty of fun art and craft activities that are and easy to do from home, that your children will love to play around with. Here are some easy … Read more

B.A.B Courses: Workshops and Courses For Parents Where Your Children Are Welcome (Bring A Baby/ Child Courses)

BAB courses (Bring A Baby courses) are workshops and courses for parents but without the childcare hassle and cost! Bring your baby or child with you where they will be looked after in the same room. Perfect for parents of young children and home educators. Develop your skills or pursue your own interests without worrying about childcare. Tutors focus on parents, skilled playworkers focus on children. Support not separation. Based in Harrow. North London. Discount code available – 5% off all bookings!