#Blogtober 2016 – Day 11: Your Favourite Type of Animal

I love animals, but I do have a few particular favourites that spring to mind. Growing up, dogs were my absolute firm favourite. I would spend many hours learning about different dog breeds, and I had a pet dog who I adored, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Cindy. I would love to have a … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 10: One Thing You Can’t Live Without

Ok, my daughter! She is the first and only thing on this list in reality. But that goes without saying, so I will try to pick something less obvious. The planet? Definitely cannot live without that! Friends and family? To be honest, I think that one is a given too.  And I am assuming for … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 9: Favourite Movies You Never Get Sick Of Watching

I used to LOVE watching movies. Infact, I could probably watch most over and over again and still not be bored. I went through phases of particularly enjoying different genres or film directors (I loved Kevin Smith films for example), as I’m sure many people do at some time or another. However, my taste in … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 8: Favourite TV Programmes

When I think back, I realise my taste in TV programmes has changed alot. Growing up I was obsessed with Neighbours, then later Eastenders too. Home and Away too, to a lesser extent. However, these days I no longer watch any soaps at all. Over the years there have been loads of series that I … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 7: What Made You Start Blogging

I first started blogging shortly after my daughter was born. I can’t even really entirely remember why I started blogging, I just felt inspired to write about my experiences as a new parent and wanted a platform to share. I think I also had vague ideas about one day writing a book and thought a … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 6: Favourite Present Ever

I struggled with this theme at first (again, why am I finding this challenge so hard?!) but then I realised I was actually just thinking about it the wrong way and that’s why I was drawing a blank! I’m not really into getting gifts, weird I know! Don’t get me wrong, I have had some … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 5: What Career Did You Have Planned As A Child? 

What were my childhood dreams, career-wise? What did I want to be when I grew up? Good question! I am not really sure I ever had an answer to that question, I think I had ideas of the kind of thing I might like but never anything specific. As mentioned before, I used to dream … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 4: A Secret About Me

Ooh, I almost feel we should all pull up a chair and make a circle. Today we are sharing our inner most secrets. Well ok, so maybe not quite our inner most secrets, but a secret, or something loosely related to one will do. So I’ll start… And actually, to be perfectly honest, this is … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 3: If You Won The Lottery, You Would?

Interesting question, as I have genuinely not really thought about it! Of course it crosses my mind sometimes (often!) “ooh if I had the money I would go here, or do that” type of thing but never really thought about it more deeply than that. So after some thinking here is what I came up … Read more