Teaching Responsibility to a Child in Elementary School: A Quick Guide for Parents

One of the many challenges of parenthood is determining exactly when to start introducing which values to young children. Responsibility is a concept that children might not be able to grasp fully at a young age, but it’s a value that parents can start teaching their kids early in life. In Singapore, elementary students learn … Read more

Tackling Concerns About Homeschooling (Home Educating) Your Kids

Homeschooling- typically referred to as home education in the UK – comes with many benefits, but it is also completely natural to have some concerns too when deciding whether or not to go down this route with your own family. Sometimes parents worry about whether they can provide the same level of education as they … Read more

The Benefits of Music in Education

Although it is not considered as important as the core subjects like Maths and English, Music is still an effective and essential part of the learning experience. It doesn’t matter if students are four or fourteen, the benefits they can find from using music in the classroom, and even wider education, is not something to … Read more

Life Skills For Your Child To Master

If you’re a parent, you’re probably very keen for your child to get a proper education, whether that’s at home or in an educational institution. However, alongside their academic work, it’s also critical for them to develop other essential life skills too. Here are some key skills to teach them… Swimming Swimming is one of … Read more

A Quick Guide To The Main Schooling Options For Your Child

It is vital children get a suitable education. However, a suitable education does not mean the same for everyone and certainly does not always mean school. The challenge is figuring out what that means for each individual in practice. No two children are the same, not even in the same family (not even if they’re … Read more

Financial Planning for Students

If you are planning to go to university, or are the parent of a potential or soon-to-be uni student, here are some useful financial planning tips for students… Find Affordable Accommodation One of the big outlays as a student is your accommodation; you need somewhere to live that gives you the best conditions to study … Read more

How Students Should Prepare for Math Placement Tests

Once a student has completed their college applications, beginning to narrow down their choices for courses and preparing for math placement tests are important next steps in the process. From part-time education to full four-year degree, choosing the right course is something that will shape and determine their future. Being fully prepared for that next … Read more

Reading Between The Lines About Why It’s Worth Taking Literacy Online

When we think about literacy, few of us think of online portals. After all, social media platforms like Facebook and even Twitter often take the blame for poor grammar. Not to mention that shortened words and acronyms that we typically use online have done a fair amount of damage to language comprehension on the whole. … Read more

Sooper Books: Kid’s Online Stories

Sooper Books: Kid’s Online Bedtime Stories (With Audio) Sooper Books was launched last year by husband and wife team, Simon and Charlene. In essence, they publish bookshop-quality stories online that you can access anywhere, anytime, on any device for a small annual membership fee. Each story even has a professional audiobook version too! This storybook … Read more