If The Benefits Of A Law Career Weren’t Obvious Enough, Here’s A Reminder

If The Benefits Of A Law Career Weren't Obvious Enough, Here's A Reminder

It’s no secret that people in the legal profession tend to do very well for themselves. But unless you know just how well, it is often hard to see why you would put so much effort into getting a law degree in the first place…  The job environment for legal graduates is amiable right now. … Read more

Global Climate Strike: Climate Action Message to World Leaders From My 11 Year Old Daughter

Global Climate Strike: Climate Action Message to World Leaders From My 11 Year Old Daughter

Today, 20th September 2019, is an important day for our planet; the global climate strike. As our World Leaders prepare to meet for the UN Climate Action Summit in just a couple of days time, millions of youths take to the streets in more than 130 countries across the globe for the biggest mass protest … Read more

Educational Essentials (Stationery Giveaway)

I home educate Squiggle, so naturally we have plenty of educational supplies! But whether you home ed or not, as parents it is important that we allow our kids to get familiar with all tools needed to support their education. From using calculators in Maths, to highlighters to help summarise questions, it is certainly worth … Read more

5 Ways to Develop Good Essay Writing Skills in English

If you are in secondary school (high school), college or university, you have undoubtedly encountered writing essays. They are the most common assignment in upper secondary school, college, and university; the average student writes one to three essays each week. Essay writing can be confusing though, especially if you are new to it. Writing an … Read more

Moving Away to University? Here’s What You Need to Know

Moving away from home to go to university is an exciting milestone. It’s the first time that you experience true independence; you’re in a new place, away from home and living the way you choose without rules or curfews. Despite being legally an adult when moving away to university, most people are actually far less … Read more

YouTeachMeToo Tutorial Subscription Service: Review and Giveaway

YouTeachMeToo is an innovative educational subscription service that enables access to teaching videos. It allows parents and their children to watch and listen to teachers teaching in a range of schools across the UK, including mainstream, special schools and a Royal School for the Deaf. There are currently 2,000 videos to view, mainly primary currently, … Read more

B.A.B Courses: Workshops and Courses For Parents Where Your Children Are Welcome (Bring A Baby/ Child Courses)

BAB courses (Bring A Baby courses) are workshops and courses for parents but without the childcare hassle and cost! Bring your baby or child with you where they will be looked after in the same room. Perfect for parents of young children and home educators. Develop your skills or pursue your own interests without worrying about childcare. Tutors focus on parents, skilled playworkers focus on children. Support not separation. Based in Harrow. North London. Discount code available – 5% off all bookings!

Draft Elective Home Education (EHE) Guidance: What’s The Problem?

You may or may not be aware that the Government is currently consulting on new draft EHE guidance. We, like many other home educators across the country, strongly oppose these new guidelines because we believe them to be unnecessarily restrictive and intrusive. Our ultimate objective is to secure the home ed status quo, support action … Read more