Fun Party Venues Ideas

As signs of Spring start to appear all around and the sun begins to make an appearance, there is no doubt that many of us are now looking ahead to summer; busy booking holidays, festival line-ups announced and summer events organised. Whilst I don’t personally have a do to arrange myself this year (although my … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 40 (After Home Education: Going into Adulthood)

Please note this was originally published in March 2014 and has not been updated. People often wonder whether being home educated will somehow prevent access to higher education or otherwise limit future career prospects in some way. However in reality this is far from the case. Here are some examples of various subjects that older … Read more

Surprising (and not so surprising!) Ways That Couples Spend Valentines Day

Do you spend Valentines Day on a romantic date with your partner, or are you a Valentines ‘grinch’ who would rather forget it even exists? Do you plan months in advance, or go with the flow? And parents, do you reach for the phone to call the babysitter or do you include the entire family … Read more

The (Not So) Little One Tag

I was tagged by Amy & Tots to do this fun quiz with Squiggle. Here are the questions, and her answers… What is the best thing about being 8? Lots of things! Having Pierre the seal!!! (Beanie boo cuddly toy). All of my Christmas presents! What makes you laugh? When daddy was still dancing after the music … Read more

Valentines Day: What Do Women Really Want?

Do you celebrate Valentines Day? And if so, how? Of course everyone is different, and no doubt there is no exception when it comes to this special occasion, but Rattan Direct are seeking to discover more about Valentines Day preferences and habits by carrying out a survey.  (Click here to take the survey) The survey asks questions … Read more

Home Security Tips For Peace of Mind

It’s that time of year when people are thinking about booking a holiday, and starting to plan ahead for their next trip. As stated on homes with no security measures in place are five times more likely to be burgled than those with simple security measures. Therefore if you spend alot of time on days out or … Read more

The Bedtime Tag

What are your worst sleep habits? Do you have a bedtime routine? I have been tagged by the fabulous Lynette at Reclusive Fox to share my bedtime secrets with you all! Here goes… Describe your usual bedtime routine. I don’t really have one personally. My daughter has created her herself one that includes me, but I don’t … Read more

Bidvine: Connecting Customers With Service Providers Needed

Bidvine is a tech start-up based in London that connects customers to the local service providers they require. Like most people, I don’t have spare time to spend looking up services and getting quotes when I need something done. This website takes the hassle out of it and is a real time saver! It is really … Read more