Life Skills For Your Child To Master

If you’re a parent, you’re probably very keen for your child to get a proper education, whether that’s at home or in an educational institution. However, alongside their academic work, it’s also critical for them to develop other essential life skills too. Here are some key skills to teach them… Swimming Swimming is one of … Read more

A Few Life Skills For Adolescents With Growing Independence

It can be daunting being a teenager, with growing levels of independence – and responsibility. We all want to become the more accomplished possible version of ourselves, but how do we actually achieve that? Here are a few simple tips – life skills for adolescents – to think about for those at that stage of … Read more

Your Family And Finances: The Rules

When it comes to your family and finances, you need to make sure that you’re handling them the right way. Many people don’t realize that the way they handle their finances and talk about their finances teaches their kids everything they believe about money before they’ve even grown up and had a chance to experience … Read more

The Pocket Money Debate: How Much, How Often and What For? 

We have recently been discussing pocket money and debating whether it should be earned or given? If it is to be earned, what should it be for? And how much is reasonable? Personally, I feel that the concept of earning money is important. It helps to promote independence and a good work ethic. But I … Read more