Seaside Trip and Signs of Spring #LivingLifeWild

On Sunday we went to Southend-On-Sea for a day out at the seaside. We love the fresh sea air, sand under our feet and paddling in the water – at any time of year! Here are my photos… I have also added a couple of new albums to my photo gallery. I have added my Winter … Read more

#LivingLifeWild – Growing Food and Latest News

This week our potatoes from the GYOP project arrived, so we are looking forward to growing these very soon. We also signed up for the RHS School Gardening Campaign too; Squiggle was actually talking really recently about how she wants to grow some of her own herbs, so it was the perfect timing for us to then come across … Read more

Squiggle’s Guide to Protecting Our Environment (#LivingLifeWild Linky)

Thanks to Views From An Urban Lake and Agent 54 for sharing their beautiful photo posts, and to Mamma’s School for sharing her island adventures. My IG pick this week is this adorable photo by The Penny Three. Do check out the hashtag #LivingLifeWild on instagram yourselves though, there are lots of really lovely outdoors photos! This week, Squiggle would also like … Read more

#LivingLifeWild Linky

Thank you to everyone who linked up last week. There have been some lovely outdoor adenture posts, such as Squished Blueberries sharing their experience of watching the sun rise on the beach. Mummahub did a wonderful job of reminding us how great getting outdoors is for our stress levels and restoring peace, and over on instagram Mammas School has some fantastic … Read more

#LivingLifeWild – RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 

I loved reading everyone’s posts from last week, and seeing your pictures too. Thank you all so much for taking part! Even when it’s cold and you feel reluctant to venture outdoors, it can turn out to be lots of fun, can’t it Eps and Amy?! lol! (Check out the blog post to see what I mean!)  I … Read more

Introducing #LivingLifeWild Community

Welcome! I am SO excited to introduce you all to #LivingLifeWild – the new hashtag and weekly linky for any posts and photos related to nature, wildlife, green living, environment and outdoor adventures… The Linky Each Thursday I will post up a new linky for you to share your latest blog posts related to the theme. The linky … Read more