A Lot Of Meaning In A Little Package: Creating A Memory Box For The Kids

A Lot Of Meaning In A Little Package: Creating A Memory Box For The Kids

You may go on various adventures with the family, and, if you got young kids, perhaps you want to crystallize this time, so they can look back and see what they were like as children and you can remember those fond memories. As such, a memory box is one of those little items that can … Read more

Exotic Foods From Faraway Places: Favourite Dishes From Around The World

I have social media connections from all over the world. As I scroll down my instagram feed or browse through facebook photos, I see yummy meals from pretty much every country you can think of! It got me thinking about some of my personal favourite exotic dishes from around the world… Favourites from France I … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 2: An Old Photo of Me

Hmmm, I don’t actually have many old photos of me. Certainly not pre-digital ones, so prior to my mid twenties. I don’t have any from my childhood here at all and only a couple from my teenage years that I found and scanned in. I’m pretty sure my dad probably has a million printed pictures … Read more