The Easy Way to Get Started with Trading and Investing

You might be drawn to the idea of trading and investing, but actually jumping in might make you feel a little more hesitant. Imagining your investments coming good is fun, but the thought that they might fail is definitely not something that fills you with joy. Investing and trading are certainly not without their risks … Read more

Planning Your Retirement Funds Through a Reverse Mortgage

It is an essential part of life to try to ensure you have enough money when you retire. One of the ways to achieve this is by planning your retirement funds through a Reverse Mortgage… Looking after you You have worked hard your entire life, contributed to National Insurance payments, and paid all your taxes. … Read more

What Do You Need Money For?

Now, the title of this article might seem a little strange, seeing as the answer it would seem is most things in life cost money. You’re not wrong; you do need money for a whole host of different things in life! But simply saying ‘everything’ doesn’t really cut it. So, while it might seem like … Read more

Regaining Control Of Your Bad Financial Habits

Some of us have bad financial habits. From spending too much to not planning how we deal with debts, it’s an unfortunate reality, often born from the fact that we weren’t taught better financial habits as we grew. But once you know you have those bad habits, it’s your job to look at ways you … Read more

What To Do When A Sudden Income Drop Occurs: Frugal Living and Money Advice

At the time of writing, the Coronavirus pandemic has financially affected billions of people worldwide by causing a sudden income drop; myself included. Circumstances are what they are, and whilst it is a little unfair to say we’re all in the same boat; we are at least all trying to seek shelter from the same … Read more