Getting A Mortgage: A Basic Guide

Given the uncertain times we live in, it is understandable that many out there will be seeking some extra stability. What this looks like will differ from household-to-household, but some out there could well be looking at their financial situation and asking a question that many have asked themselves over the years: “is getting a … Read more

Planning Your Retirement Funds Through a Reverse Mortgage

It is an essential part of life to try to ensure you have enough money when you retire. One of the ways to achieve this is by planning your retirement funds through a Reverse Mortgage… Looking after you You have worked hard your entire life, contributed to National Insurance payments, and paid all your taxes. … Read more

How Not to Overstretch Yourself When Buying a House

Buying a house or any property can be a dream come true. It is, mostly accompanied by a lot of excitement that could be dangerous if not tamed. Out of the pure joy and adrenaline rush of owning a house, most buyers’ judgement tends to be clouded by emotions and end up making costly mistakes. … Read more

The Importance of Using a Mortgage Advisor

Mortgages – for some people, just the mere mention of them might fill them with dread! Endless financial jargon, long lists of confusing rules, and unexpected fees everywhere you turn. But mortgages needn’t be so daunting. When you have someone with all the know-how to explain and guide you through the process of getting a … Read more