Travelling While Pregnant? 5 Tips for an Enjoyable Trip Abroad

Travelling represents a unique experience for everyone. And, while a holiday or business trip can be both exciting and stressful, it is particularly so if you are travelling while pregnant. Whether you just wish to enjoy a vacation abroad or you need to go on a business trip that you cannot avoid, the first step … Read more

Top 10 Nutritional Foods to Eat During Pregnancy: Guest Post by Veronica – My Parenting Journey

Pregnancy is a time of strange cravings and increased appetite. While a pan of brownies sounds amazing, a pregnant woman needs vital nutrients to grow her unborn baby. It is ok to reach for snacks sometimes, but you have to make sure you are eating healthy, nutritional foods during pregnancy. Poor diet leads to problems … Read more

Holidaying at home whilst pregnant: 5 of the best British destinations

Pregnancy can be tough on expected mothers, and their families. Increasingly, people try to get away for a holiday while pregnant; itโ€™s a chance to enjoy some time together and, more than anything, relax. I remember when I was about 7 or 8 months pregnant with Squiggle, I took a short holiday and I loved … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 6: Favourite Present Ever

I struggled with this theme at first (again, why am I finding this challenge so hard?!) but then I realised I was actually just thinking about it the wrong way and that’s why I was drawing a blank! I’m not really into getting gifts, weird I know! Don’t get me wrong, I have had some … Read more