What Do You Need Money For?

Now, the title of this article might seem a little strange, seeing as the answer it would seem is most things in life cost money. You’re not wrong; you do need money for a whole host of different things in life! But simply saying ‘everything’ doesn’t really cut it. So, while it might seem like … Read more

Understanding the Diderot Effect: How to Spend Less Money

Understanding the Diderot Effect: How to Spend Less Money

Have you ever heard of the Diderot Effect? Named after the French philosopher Denis Diderot, this phenomenon refers to the tendency for people to buy a new item, which then leads to the desire to buy more complementary items. This can create an endless cycle of overconsumption and materialism. But, it can also be seen as a positive force, as it can drive innovation and creativity. To avoid falling prey to the Diderot Effect, become aware of it, analyze the total cost of purchases, reduce exposure to marketing messages, buy into the upcycling trend, and recognize that there will always be upgrades to be had.

What Do Parents Do To Unwind Around The Home?

I mentioned in a recent post about the importance of having time to myself as a parent, and what an achievement it can be to actually find time to relax! But what are my favourite ways to unwind at home? A few things come to mind; I enjoy sitting in the garden, meditating or doing … Read more