The Bedtime Tag

What are your worst sleep habits? Do you have a bedtime routine? I have been tagged by the fabulous Lynette at Reclusive Fox to share my bedtime secrets with you all! Here goes… Describe your usual bedtime routine. I don’t really have one personally. My daughter has created her herself one that includes me, but I don’t have my own. What are your favourite pyjamas? I don’t wear pyjamas per se, I usually sleep in vest tops (or a long sleeve tshirt if it is cold) and leggings. What is your current bedtime reading? Erm, twitter and facebook? LOL 😉 What would I find on your bedside table? Nothing, I don’t have one. What scent makes you sleepy? Fresh bed linen! What is your usual bedtime and wakeup time? It varies because of my daughter’s additional needs. But generally speaking, I tend to be a night owl. I am NOT a morning person. What are your top three bedtime products? Erm… my bed, my pillow and a duvet sound like good answers to me lol! What is your most common sleeping position? On my side. Do you have anything you like to take to bed with you? My phone. I know, I …

What are your worst sleep habits? Do you have a bedtime routine? I have been tagged by the fabulous Lynette at Reclusive Fox to share my bedtime secrets with you all! Here goes…

Describe your usual bedtime routine.

I don’t really have one personally. My daughter has created her herself one that includes me, but I don’t have my own.

What are your favourite pyjamas?

I don’t wear pyjamas per se, I usually sleep in vest tops (or a long sleeve tshirt if it is cold) and leggings.

What is your current bedtime reading?

Erm, twitter and facebook? LOL 😉

What would I find on your bedside table?

Nothing, I don’t have one.

What scent makes you sleepy?

Fresh bed linen!

What is your usual bedtime and wakeup time?

It varies because of my daughter’s additional needs. But generally speaking, I tend to be a night owl. I am NOT a morning person.

What are your top three bedtime products?

Erm… my bed, my pillow and a duvet sound like good answers to me lol!

What is your most common sleeping position?

On my side.

Do you have anything you like to take to bed with you?

My phone. I know, I know….

What is your worst bedtime habit?

See above. I have a bad habit of looking at my phone in bed! 

The Bedtime Tag, #thebedtimetag, sleep, blogger, about me, living life our way

I now tag the following lovely bloggers to take part:

Coco Butter Blog

Hello Wanderer 

Johanna Montana


The Amphletts

Beauty And The Bird

The Bedtime Tag Questions

Describe your usual bedtime routine.

What are your favourite pyjamas?

What is your current bedtime reading?

What would I find on your bedside table?

What scent makes you sleepy?

What is your usual bedtime and wakeup time?

What are your top three bedtime products?

What is your most common sleeping position?

Do you have anything you like to take to bed with you?

What is your worst bedtime habit?

The Bedroom Tag Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you, and link back to their blog.
  • Display the Bedtime badge; which you can find at the top of this post. (save the picture)
  • Answer the ten questions included above.
  • Nominate between three and five fellow bloggers to take part, and set them the questions.

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