The Best Ways To Travel With Bikes

Cycling is not just a fun recreational activity. It is a serious sport and a much-loved means by which to travel to work, school, and home. Sometimes, though, you just want to take your bike out to the countryside and have a nice, peaceful ride in the greenery. And that’s where the perceived ‘hard part’ comes in. All those dirty looks from fellow passengers as you drag your bike into the train car can feel a bit scathing, but there are ways to prevent this. And to keep your bike safe! Whether you’re driving, travelling by train, or flying, it’s always a good idea to sort out the logistics beforehand. Book your bike’s spot in advance when travelling by train or plane so that you know it will have space and be handled with care. BY TRAIN Folding bicycles are something of a blessing. You can ride it to the station, fold it up, and jump onto the train to travel without much hassle. However, if you just want to transport your bike, it might be great. As before, always book a spot on the train for your bike. Though it is not guaranteed, you will almost certainly have space …

Cycling is not just a fun recreational activity. It is a serious sport and a much-loved means by which to travel to work, school, and home. Sometimes, though, you just want to take your bike out to the countryside and have a nice, peaceful ride in the greenery.

And that’s where the perceived ‘hard part’ comes in. All those dirty looks from fellow passengers as you drag your bike into the train car can feel a bit scathing, but there are ways to prevent this. And to keep your bike safe! Whether you’re driving, travelling by train, or flying, it’s always a good idea to sort out the logistics beforehand. Book your bike’s spot in advance when travelling by train or plane so that you know it will have space and be handled with care.


Folding bicycles are something of a blessing. You can ride it to the station, fold it up, and jump onto the train to travel without much hassle. However, if you just want to transport your bike, it might be great. As before, always book a spot on the train for your bike. Though it is not guaranteed, you will almost certainly have space reserved for it. The racks by the doors at the ends of the carriages are meant for this precise purpose: the safe and stable storage of your belongings. Normally, it’s luggage, but your bike will be safe.

The Best Ways To Travel With Bikes


As with any other piece of luggage you might be taking on a plane, it’s a good idea to check the weight limit. Most travel airlines have a 23-32kg weight limit, and as most bikes weigh in at around 23-30kg (depending on the type, make, and materials used) they are usually at the lower end of the spectrum.

Another piece of advice is to invest in a bag or a box. If you’re going for a bag, make sure it’s see-through. This way you know your bike will be handled with care and respect. For a bag, make sure you pack it will as much padding as you can. This will prevent any damage caused in transit.

If anything happens on your trip and you are involved in an accident whilst cycling, whether that is in the UK or abroad, you should contact a legal firm that specialises in cycling accident claims such as Osbornes Law. They have a team of specialist cycling injury solicitors who can help you claim compensation if the accident was not your fault.

*This is a collaborative post

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