The Better Planet Project – BetterYou: Plastic Petition

#AD Here in the UK, recycling suffers from a bit of an identity crisis. Each local council has its own rules, regulations, and resources regarding kerbside collection, and there is a lot of confusion around what can and cannot be recycled, and where. This is especially true of plastics in my experience. Some plastics can be recycled in the kerbside collection, some (stretchy plastic for example) has to be taken to special collection points at supermarkets, and some cannot be recycled locally, as far as I know. The problem is, the more confusing and complicated something is, the less chance people will do it. And, at present, recycling in the UK is disjointed and unnecessarily complex. This is why BetterYou have launched a Plastic Petition to unify UK recycling, and take a common sense, efficient approach to waste plastic collection and recycling. Sign the plastic petition here The aim is to campaign for positive change that sees a better, standardised recycling programme. We need a national recycling system that enables efficiency for all, and encourages the 1 in 20 households who don’t recycle to reconsider. Why We Need Change I always find the statistics around recyclable staggeringly alarming. Less than …


Here in the UK, recycling suffers from a bit of an identity crisis. Each local council has its own rules, regulations, and resources regarding kerbside collection, and there is a lot of confusion around what can and cannot be recycled, and where. This is especially true of plastics in my experience. Some plastics can be recycled in the kerbside collection, some (stretchy plastic for example) has to be taken to special collection points at supermarkets, and some cannot be recycled locally, as far as I know. The problem is, the more confusing and complicated something is, the less chance people will do it. And, at present, recycling in the UK is disjointed and unnecessarily complex. This is why BetterYou have launched a Plastic Petition to unify UK recycling, and take a common sense, efficient approach to waste plastic collection and recycling.

Sign the plastic petition here

BetterYou plastic petition
Scan here and sign the petition

The aim is to campaign for positive change that sees a better, standardised recycling programme. We need a national recycling system that enables efficiency for all, and encourages the 1 in 20 households who don’t recycle to reconsider.

Why We Need Change

I always find the statistics around recyclable staggeringly alarming. Less than half of all recyclable household plastic waste in the UK is actually being recycled, and up to 80% of material collected for recycling is sent abroad, to landfill or incinerators. This has to change! I strongly feel that action needs to be taken to improve this and that is why I support the BetterYou campaign.

BetterYou - the better planet project

Changes in the Home

There is a lot that can be done on an individual basis. Simple actions such as swapping out single use plastics, being mindful of what is brought into the home when shopping, and reusing items whenever possible all make a positive difference. We also save some of our plastics that are not collected by the local council from landfill by taking it all to other recycling schemes too.

The Better Planet Project - BetterYou: Plastic Petition

More About BetterYou and The Better Planet Project

BetterYou strive to become a carbon neutral organisation by next year (2022). They are committed to a more sustainable approach to their plastic packaging by using 100% recyclable plant-based plastic and ocean recycled plastic across their entire range. BetterYou also investigates the origin of every ingredient to ensure that it has not been exposed to palm oil derivatives at any point in its life and has been awarded the International Palm Oil Free Certificate.

Read more about The Better Planet Project. And remember to sign the petition!

5 thoughts on “The Better Planet Project – BetterYou: Plastic Petition”

  1. I just love this post and I (and my family) are doing more than ever to eliminate the use of plastics. I just installed an alkaline water filtration system in my home and we are now reusing refillable water bottles rather than the countless 24 packs that you go through in the blink of an eye. We are also doing recycling and so much more. Love this and appreciate you bringing awareness as it is much needed 😉


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