The (Not Big Or Fat) Quiz Of The Year!

Since it’s the end of the year, here is a little Q&A quiz just for fun, to reflect on this past year and look ahead to 2017… What was your highlight of 2016? Getting my first paid opportunity from my blog! (Not because of the money itself but because of the sense of achievement and what it represented!) There were lots of non blog-related highlights too, of course, but since I am currently writing this as a blog post and my head is on blogging goals etc… it’s the first thing that came to my mind at this moment in time lol! Name one thing you are most likely to remember about 2016 if asked in five years time? Hmmm. Brexit and Trump sadly I think will come to my mind. And the loss of so many greats. Hopefully I will also remember it as the year of so much personal growth in all aspects of my life too though. Sum up 2016 in one word. Change. Name one pearl of wisdom from 2016 that you will carry with you through 2017. I have surrounded myself with some hugely inspirational people this year. They have helped me to grow in …

Since it’s the end of the year, here is a little Q&A quiz just for fun, to reflect on this past year and look ahead to 2017…

What was your highlight of 2016?

Getting my first paid opportunity from my blog! (Not because of the money itself but because of the sense of achievement and what it represented!) There were lots of non blog-related highlights too, of course, but since I am currently writing this as a blog post and my head is on blogging goals etc… it’s the first thing that came to my mind at this moment in time lol!

Name one thing you are most likely to remember about 2016 if asked in five years time?

Hmmm. Brexit and Trump sadly I think will come to my mind. And the loss of so many greats. Hopefully I will also remember it as the year of so much personal growth in all aspects of my life too though.

Sum up 2016 in one word.


Name one pearl of wisdom from 2016 that you will carry with you through 2017.

I have surrounded myself with some hugely inspirational people this year. They have helped me to grow in a number of ways that I most certainly will carry with me. I think this deserves a separate post of its own to be honest!

Do you have any new year resolutions?

I don’t really do new year resolutions as such, I prefer to set myself goals throughout the year instead.

How are you seeing in the new year?

I’ll be at home. We do a fake new year earlier in the evening so Squiggle can get to bed when she is tired, due to her needs. Hopefully she won’t get disturbed once asleep but that’s probably abit optimistic!

What would you most like to do in 2017?

Travel. Anywhere really!

What are your main goals for 2017?

Continue to grow my blog. Help Squiggle to develop her etsy shop selling sustainable clothes with her own designs. Collaborate with others, and support some awesome charities.

I tag Mummy FoxThey Grow So QuickThe Baby Boat DiariesJust Average JenSophie Ella and MeAccidental Hipster MumBig Man in the WoodsEmma Plus ThreeWaffle MamaTo Aufinity And BeyondLisa Cowan and Living With A Jude to answer these questions next. I look forward to reading your posts! 

The Not Big or Fat Quiz of the Year, end of year quiz, 2017, new year resolutions, new year tag, Q and A, blogger, about me

Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy New Year! 

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